The Definition of Bad Luck?
General Motors is running out of money as we speak. AIG just got 40 billion, but is that enough? DHL canned 9,500 jobs in Ohio and is pulling out of the country. Defence spending needs to be cut back. Stimulus package...
Revisiting the Obama-McCain BaZi analysis
A number of readers sent me emails about my prediction that McCain would win the US Presidency. As I wrote in my comment in response to one of the comments, I was pleasantly surprised but as I have stated in the entry,...
It's…Obama! (oops…where did the BaZi analysis go wrong?)
Okay, I've been receiving a lot of emails asking me about my election prediction gone wrong and whether I misinterpreted, got it plain wrong, am completely talking through my a**. A complete analysis of where I went...
The Definition of Good Luck?
After my post on the US Presidential election, I've of course been sent info by friends indicating that everything in the polls suggest OTHERWISE to my prediction. Elections are a tricky business though and i realised...
Would you put a Big Spender in charge of the Central Bank?
According to Wikipedia, the role of the Federal Reserve is to "address banking panics", serve as the lender of last resort and also regulate. In addition: "In its role as the central bank of the United States, the Fed...
Who will be POTUS?
Okay, this is really the sixty million dollar hanging chad question isn't it? Barack/Biden or McCain/Palin? Any BaZi consultant worth their salt should be able to answer this question right? So let me go right ahead...
Who would Bernanke get along better with?
With only a few more weeks to go till the US Presidential election, and with the US and world economy going down the toilet, focus is shifting naturally as to which US Presidential candidate is likely to be better at...
2009 Year of the Ox Relationship Outlook
A more expansive posting on the Year of the Ox predictions will follow. For now, if you want to know what 2009 holds for you, relationship-wise, my 2009 romance outlook is on
Is Sarah Palin *really* stupid?
I have to admit that whilst I am no fan of the Gov'nor from Alaska, I find her endlessly fascinating. Must be all her 7K. Or perhaps I just find Obama and McCain just really boring. Or maybe this whole 2008 Race to the...
Rooster marks the end of Palin's Peak?
It's no surprise that Republican Vice Presidential hopeful Sarah Palin has been a huge hit this month. She was introduced to the world as the woman who would make it to the White House on August 29th 2008. It is a...
Wedding Date Selection 101 (Part II)
In Wedding Date Selection 101 (Part 1), my objective was to drum into my audience the need for the right attitude towards Wedding Date selection. This can briefly be summarised as COMPROMISE IS THE KEY. If you aren't...
Wedding Date Selection 101 (Part 1)
I've been meaning to write a follow up to my Wedding Date Selection Blues article for two reasons: one reader commented that whilst it was interesting, they didn't quite 'get it', and because I have noticed a lot of...