The Scientific Art of Forecasting…the World Cup.

by Jul 15, 2018Forecasting, Wu 戊 Earth0 comments

DISCLAIMER: no responsibility for the outcomes of any wagers as a result of this post shall be attributed to the BaZiqueen. Bet at your own peril (or if your chart indicates Wealth)

The last time I tried this, it proved too difficult to undertake. How does one do a forecast in a setup that has 12 individuals, plus a Coach? Who is the reference point? Does one consider the star striker? The Goalkeeper? Or simply use the coach as the point of reference?

This year’s World Cup is probably tougher to call that the presidential elections of 2016, which was an easy forecast given that it was a 戊 (Clinton) vs a 己 (Trump).

Firstly, we have both the coaches having VERY SIMILAR/NEAR IDENTICAL charts. France’s coach Didier Deschamps is 戊午 DM as is Zlatko Dalic, Croatia’s coach. They even share a very closely similar LP: Deschamps is in 丁卯 LP, Dalic is in 癸卯 LP. Both charts have a Dog in the month although slightly different Dogs – Deschamps has 壬戌 whilst Dalic has 戊戌.

Dalic- Croatia


In such an instance, I have found using the Life Palace, as taught to me by Sherry Merchant, a great complimentary method, especially given that there is no availability of the hour pillar for the coaches. 

In such times of desperation, we may also resort to other methods of looking at forecasting, such as symbolism. In this case, we definitely know that the symbol for France is the Rooster. For Croatia, this is less obvious although apparently there IS an animal on the Croatian flag, the Croatian Football Federation’s logo is less obvious as to it’s exact nature. So we will leave this off the consideration (because forecasting/divination is a lot about ‘instinct’). We will also probably take into consideration that 2018 is the 21st edition of the World Cup – this is because when determining who would be the winner of the 2016 Presidential Election, the fact that the winner would be the 45th president of the United States was relevant. (4+5=9 and Trump was a Gua 9).

Constraints on the BaZi forecast’s accuracy

On the BaZi it is almost impossible to call because the day of the competition is a 戊申 Day, in a 己未 month. Because both the individuals being considered as 戊 DMs, the month and day in effect somewhat cancel out each other. If one were to read each chart individually, the other person wins by virtue of the 己未 month.  In theory, because both Deschamps and Dalic have a competitor star in their 2018 Luck Pillar, it theoretically implies the other party will win since the Officer Star in the form of 乙 is inside the Ji Earth (which is the Rob Wealth Star for Wu Earth).

Of course, there are other ways to interpret the Ji Wei Luck Pillar but the above is the most simplistic.

We also have other complications in the BaZi chart that make it difficult to determine the outcome. Dalic’s chart has a Fu Yin with the year – his Month Pillar is 戊戌. Even if we don’t account for the effect of the Fu Yin (which can have either a doubling up or disappearing effect OR BOTH), we have to consider the effect of the Heaven and Earth clash to the Month Pillar from Ji Wei. By contrast, Deschamps gets the effect of Ji Wei only in the Branch, with no impact on the Stem.

However, it is also important to appreciate that a Clash DOES NOT mean an outcome is negative. It simply can imply a great deal of problems and challenges. Croatia has definitely had the tougher path to the final of the WC compared to France.

Another question mark is how one interprets the 戊申 Day, which is also Deschamps’ Year Pillar. One could argue that there is a connection to the Day, thus indicating a greater odds of success for Deschamps because he connects with the day. But this seems like a rather flimsy basis in which to determine the outcome.
In terms of differentiating the 10 year Luck Pillars, it is worth considering the following:

– Dalic is in the final year of his Gui Mao 癸卯 10 year LP, and his next LP is Jia Chen 甲辰. By contrast, Deschamps is about half way through his 丁卯 10 year LP. It is debatable if Dalic’s Mao LP is still in full force given how close he is to the switch over.
– Ding Mao is a Heaven-Earth combination with Ren Xu which produces Fire. Fire is the Resource Star for Wu Earth. Gui Mao is a Heaven-Earth combination with Wu Xu 戊戌, which produces Fire as well.  In these two combinations, it can be argued that the Ding Mao+Ren Xu 丁卯 + 壬戌  combo is SLIGHTLY BETTER from a competitive standpoint because the combination is benefiting the DM as a whole, whilst in the case of Gui Mao+Wu Xu 癸卯 + 戊戌 , the benefit is going to the Friend Star (which in this case, we would read as Deschamps, since both Dalic and Deschamps would be considered ‘Friend’ to each other being on the same level ie: national football coaches).
– it could be argued that Fire is more favourable to Deschamps chart because it is slightly colder, vs Dalic’s chart, which is considered hotter because of the Bing Wu 丙午 Year Pillar.

– however, the Bing Wu 丙午 Year Pillar has a better affinity to the 2018 Wu Xu 戊戌 Pillar than Wu Shen 戊申 – thus, Dalic appears to come out better if we look at this perspective.

All in all, the BaZi is basically more likely to send someone nuts in trying to determine the outcome of this match because everything is too finely balanced. So, we need to look at something else to tip the balance.

Enter Life Palace – the tipping point?
This is really only a trick I’ve started to deploy recently, having gotten some improvements to my skills in this area from my friend, Sherry Merchant.
To figure this out, we need to work out all the essential data.
Didier Deschamps
Gua #2 (己)
Life Palace: SW
Star in SW in July 2018: #6 (庚)
Palace occupied in 2018 by #2: West Palace  (home of the #7 (辛))
Useful symbol: Rooster as the logo of the French Football
Federation. (caveat: may or may not have any significance!)

FFF Logo

FFF Logo

Further useful information: Deschamps number throughout his career as a France player was #7.

Zlatko Dalic
Gua # 7 (辛)
Life Palace: W
Star in W in July 2018: #2
Palace occupied in 2018 by #6: East Palace (home of the #3 (甲))


On the face of it, Dalic appears to be in a better position given that the Annual #2 flies into the West Palace, creating #7-#2 which is a Early Heaven-Later Heaven combination. This indicates a significant connection between the individual and events around them or people. So it could mean great success for Dalic (thus, victory in the World Cup). But given that Croatia has come from nowhere, it could also just explain their ability to get this far against the odds.

#6 flies into the SW palace in 2018, and there is no real connect between #2-#6 (although i’m sure someone with knowledge of the FS combinations would know what it means). Interestingly, #2 (aka Deschamps) is in the West Palace in 2018. #2-#7 is another Early Heaven-Later Heaven Combination.  Is it significant that Deschamps is occupying Dalic’s home palace? (maybe/maybe not)
If we break it down into BaZi language, #2 Deschamps is Ji Earth. #7 Dalic is Xin Metal.

#2’s home palace has annual #6 which is Geng Metal (Hurting Officer to Ji Earth). #2 occupies the West Palace, which is the home of #7 Star which is Xin Metal (Eating God to Ji Earth). So the whole theme of the story for #2 Deschamps is Output. Deschamps also has great affinity with the #7 – it was his shirt number as a France national player and West is Rooster, which is the logo of the French national team.

#7’s home palace has annual #2 which is Ji Earth (Resource to Xin Metal). #7 occupies the East Palace, which is the home of the #3 Star which is Jia Wood (Direct Wealth to Xin Metal). It is possible to win a trophy using Resource but this typically happens in cases of awards (ie: the Oscars) rather than a competitive situation like the World Cup. Resource implies that which is given to you, rather than something which you win back. The Wealth Star may well be an indicator that Dalic gains more opportunities for management jobs as a result of his success with Croatia. The World Cup is often not just a hunting ground for good players, but an opportunity for clubs to evaluate potential coach candidates by observing how well they perform under pressure.


Dalic #7 has the Early Heaven-Later Heaven combo in his corner. But Deschamps appears to have a slight edge in terms of the stars that are in the mix. In terms of Luck Pillars in the BaZi, the Fu Yin of the Month would seem to count against Dalic, as does the fact that his 10 year LP is closing out (vs peaking in the case of Deschamps). Also, from a BaZi standpoint, Xin is always covered by Ji, and prevented from shining and showing off it’s full potential. Given that Ji Wei is prominent this month, one would assume that the balance of forces are tipping in favour of Deschamps.

The BaZiqueen therefore forecasts France to win.


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