From what I read on the US Presidential election, aspirant Mitt Romney has a bad case of gaffe-ology or a tendency to say the wrong thing. This is a really good example:


And the litany of incorrect statements goes on, not to mention a criticism of Romney’s campaign as lacking discipline by Republican commentator Peggy Noonan in the WSJ.

So what is the cause of all of these problems? Here’s a quick look at Romney’s Luck Pillars:

Mitt Romney (time of birth accurate)

To quickly recap, the current luck pillar is Bing Shen 丙 申

So, the reason for the tendency to be prone to gaffes is quite easy to understand in this chart. First and foremost, the output star is quite weak in this chart based on the season. Accordingly, public speaking is not this person’s forte, more so Geng Metal – when Geng uses the Hurting Officer, it is essentially using the Gui Water Stem. Gui Water is the mist – which is enigmatic, and also, chaotic. At best, it’s a cloud, at worst, it’s spit (yes, spit!). So it is NOT a surprise that Romney has been very vague about his policy ideas and giving people the whole ‘ when I get voted in I will know how to fix it’ – ideas are not this person’s strong suit as Geng is not naturally inclined to use Water. They need to be in the thick of problems and simply…chop their way out. If they are not in the thick of the problem, asking them what to do is a bit pointless really.

Now, the Rob Wealth Star in this chart is in an ungrateful punishment with the Indirect Wealth Star, with the 7 Killings Star also in the mix. In other words, whenever Romney tries to speak off the cuff/spontaneously (the RW star) he ends up in an ungrateful punishment with himself. Whenever Romney talks about money or how he made his money or how he will use his entrepreneurial skills to help America (the IW star), he is in an ungrateful punishment relationship with the people he is trying to convince (his RWs).

If we read the Hour Pillar as Romney’s constituents (meaning, the public and the people of the United States, and more directly, people he is trying to win over), there is an ungrateful punishment. So no matter what he says, it seems he just can’t say the right thing. Adding to the fact that he isn’t a naturally eloquent and communicative person to begin with because of the poor quality of the Output Star.

The DO star is the key to Romney but apparently according to anecdotal reports, he’s not a very disciplined person when it comes to practicing his speeches or rehearsing his messages or exercising discipline over his campaign. So Peggy Noonan is right, what Romney needs right now is a little more discipline on his campaign, especially with message. Using the Gui and being vague is a bad idea – using the Ding and being clear, exact, and precise about what he wants to do, is the right approach.

The current Luck Pillar is also a bit of the culprit behind the Gaffe-ology of Mitt Rommey – there is a Ungrateful Punishment between the Snake (again, the 7k/RW star) and the Friends Star suggesting bad advice possibly or listening to the wrong people but also, trying to seem like the every man (Friend Star) is not working for Romney. So trying to convince Americans he is ‘just like that’ is probably not a smart strategy here. This Ungrateful Punishment produces the Water element, which obviously is not an element that Geng Metal uses too well. Spit remember?



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