八 卦 BaZi (Busybody BaZI)

by Feb 7, 2012Humour, Learning BaZi0 comments


Yesterday I met up with a fellow BaZi consultant from Singapore for casual idle chatter and the subject matter turned to what we call ‘Busybody’ BaZi or 八 卦 八 子。

What you might be wondering is Busybody BaZi?

Busybody Bazi usually has two references:

a) people who learn BaZi expressly for the purpose of being able to ‘find out things about other people’. Usually, this is not a very effective motivation for learning BaZi and rarely results in successful application of BaZi. When you learn BaZi for Busybody purposes, KNOWING is all they are interested in. As such, forget about learning BaZi – might as well just learn Face Reading. (note: the ‘busybody’ basis is also usually the reason why people find Purple Star Astrology ‘better’ than BaZi – it invariably yields lot of curio or novelty information – perfect fodder for the busybody machine.

b) people who ask questions in a BaZi consult ‘just because…[insert reason]’

Busybody BaZi is absolutely counter-productive in every sense. The reason for learning BaZi ought to transcend merely wanting to know for the sake of knowing. Equally, the reason for asking a question in a BaZi consult ought to transcend merely ‘wanting to know’ without an actual intent to act upon the information or to make use of it in some way.

That’s why at times, not every piece of information that is derived from BaZi is ‘necessarily’ useful. For example, let’s say that I ascertain that a particular person is lazy. However, this person is born with a silver spoon in their mouth and realistically would not have to work for the rest of their conceivable life. To wit, the laziness is an attribute that does not actually contribute to the conversation at hand nor does it form the foundation for any kind of meaningful action (since said person does not actually need to DO anything). And it is actually the reason why focusing on ‘BaZi shortcuts’ (sometimes derived from different Chinese books) about ‘models’ of types of people is not really sensible or practical. And it is also the reason why so called techniques that can be found in Chinese books are arguably not necessarily as useful as being able to wield the fundamentals in a sensible and practical way. Oftentimes, technical information (you know the ‘if you see this and this is present and prerequisite x, y and z are also present, therefore conclusion is e=mc2’) serves to stifle the ability to learn BaZi rather than actually advance it.



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