2011: Winners, Losers and Of Uncertain Regard

by Feb 1, 2011Annual Outlook9 comments

Important disclaimer: generic BaZi forecasts are never as accurate as an actual forecast predicated on your full BaZi including Luck Pillars. These forecasts are general in the sense that they look at the effect of the Branch/Stem of the Year compared to certain Branches or certain Day Masters. A general forecast is never useful in my view, which is why I have tried to make my ‘general’ forecast less general.


A combination with the Year Branch (in this case,  卯 Rabbit) is always an indicator that even if things are bad, they will never be totally bad. Combining with the Year denotes being one with The Annual Godfather, which is never a bad thing, astrologically.

A combination involving the Year seems to carry more weight (based on my very imprecise research) because the Year in the BaZi chart is the first pillar and thus bears the brunt of any negative impact. Accordingly, positive impact with regards the Year Pillar would conversely be regarded as good.

Thus, those born in the year of the Dog 戌 are unlikely to have too bad a year. However, the Three Harmony Combination carries more weight than the mere Six Harmony Combination so although the Dog combines with the Rabbit 卯, the stronger combination is the one that involves the Goat 未 or the Pig 亥 since these form the Three Harmony Combination with the Rabbit. Accordingly, Goat year people or Pig year people should have a good year.

Geng/Xin Day Masters would seem to be advantaged this year since Rabbit contains Yi 乙Wood, which is the Direct Wealth/Indirect Wealth Star for both these Day Masters. Of course, the presence of a Companion Star above is a minus point, but sharing is better than not having any at all right?

Charts where Wood is a favourable element or charts which need Wood will also benefit this year.

All this assumes however that the chart does not contain any Rooster. If you have Rooster, then the benefits of combining with the year become discounted by at least 50% (depending again, on exact nature of the chart but 50% seems like a reasonable inference).


The worst off of the lot this year would be charts that contain the Rooster 酉 AND the Rabbit 卯 as this could trigger the clash already dormant in the chart. As Rooster-Rabbit generally indicates gynaecological problems or problems with the reproductive organs, both males/females with both Rooster-Rabbit in the chart SHOULD go for check-ups, looking at health risks related to the prostate and reproductive organs. Minor surgery (the kind where you remove an appendix or perhaps, get rid of a minor growth) are also possible risks this year if you have both Rooster-Rabbit. The risk of miscarriage is also quite high for women with these two Branches.

If you only have the Rooster, then it is not great, but certainly NOT as bad. This is because the Rooster clashes OUT towards the Rabbit and this is seen as less unfavourable compared to the Rooster in the Annual Pillar clashing into the Rabbit.

If you are a Xin Mao 辛 卯 Day Pillar, then this year is a Fu Yin for you – accordingly, expect many things to not go as planned. It is best to lay low this year. If you are 乙 酉, the year potentially will be tougher than those going through a Fu Yin since a Fan Yin is regarded as much more disruptive (Oprah, are you reading?). 辛 酉 Day Pillars should also likewise be cautious this year because of the highly personal clash taking place.

Wu/Ji Day Masters would seem to be advantaged since Rabbit contains the Officer Star BUT because of the presence of Xin on top, Wu has a Direct Officer see Hurting Officer problem so the positive effect just became a negative one, denoting problems with marriage (especially if Mao is also in the Spouse Palace, such as for 己卯 Day Pillar) or alternatively, issues at the office/workplace involving superiors.

The presence of 子 and 午 in the chart should also be cause for concern as these are Peach Blossom Stars and the presence of the additional Peach Blossom Star in the form of Mao denotes Peach Blossom Sha related problems. If these two Branches also represent the Spouse Star (as in the case of Wu Earth men,  Ren Water men, Bing Fire women, Geng Metal women), AND these Branches are found in the Spouse Palace (ie: 戊 子, 壬午, 庚午 or 丙 子 Day Pillars), relationships may be ‘complex’ and ’emotionally fraught’ this year. I am NOT going to say there will definitely be cheating or divorce for these individuals because this is just based on the Day Pillar and does not account for the rest of the chart. I am just saying it might be a bit…tense. (In all instances, the chart + Luck Pillars must be taken into consideration). Singles however should bear in mind that Peach Blossom Sha does denote emotionally complex relationships or a sort of fling/flash in the pan and so should be wary of getting their hopes up.

Charts that contain the Dragon need to thread carefully as this year there is a Harm with the Rabbit. Typically this denotes protracted legal wrangling or some kind of legal problem that is unexpected. Accordingly, be sure to not stinge on legal.

If Wood is an unfavourable element, then 2011 will not be good for individuals with such charts. Particularly Jia Wood Day Masters who already have strong wood in their chart.


Where there is NO COMBINATION in any manner with the year (meaning, you do not have Dog, Pig or Goat branches in your chart or Luck Pillars) and no unfavourable Branches (meaning, no Rooster and no Rabbit) then it may be good (depending again on your relationship with Xin and Yi) or it may be bad, depending again on whether you like the Wood element.


  1. Devadog

    As I have Mao, Xu and 2 Chens in my chart (and Xu Luck Cycle), this post cracked me up! Thank-you!

  2. lotus

    You mentioned that spouse palace which I think you also mean the day pillar has 壬午 men will have hard time with spouse. What about ox on the spouse palace? There isn’t any comment about ox but horse.

    • Baziqueen

      @ Lotus – because for Ren Wu which is a man, the Spouse Star is actually in the Spouse Palace. There is no comment about Ox because Ox is not the Spouse Star of a Ren Man.

  3. Wen

    this is really interesting!! You mentioned Goat year people or Pig year people should have a good year because they form 3 harmony combination with rabbit. What about other pillars with goat or pig or rabbit besides the year pillar? The “good” effect will be lesser? I have rabbit in my day pillar and goat in my month pillar..

  4. Ling


    I’m new to bazi but i have 2 questions that have been bothering me regarding the hour piller. For somebody who is born at 9am in the morning, do you consider this person belongs to the 7-9am branch, or 9-11am?

    And do we need to do the time zone conversion for somebody who is born in Europe? Or we can just take their local time to calculate the day piller?

    It seems that different bazi calculator give different results. Unfortunately, Master Joey Yap website is down.

    • Baziqueen

      @ Ling – use Snake Hour (9-11am) if your TOB says 9am, use local time as written on your birth certificate.

  5. Tina

    Oh, Great. I just found this article after reading the one on 2010.

    So, I have the Rabbit on my Month Pillar and the Rooster on my Hour Pillar. I have to take out my nasal pollyps, which is something I have been postponing for almost 2 years..are you saying there is a chance of something going wrong with that operation?

    Also, aside from that, I seem to have some recurring vaginal candidosis, but this has been a problem on and off for almost a decade, now, so I don’t see how it should be any diffferent now.

    Also, I badly need to get a job…are the stars against me?

    • Tina

      Also, I need to graduate college this summer, either in July, or September. Is there anything I can do to boost my chances of success, other than study, obviously?

  6. DenisNoMenace 17-4-73.

    hmm, wonder why now the sudden drop of wind..well still need to battle the storm through..thax for the pillar disectment.


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