When Tiger meets Monkey…

by May 30, 2010Case Studies21 comments

Last week, on a 癸 酉 day, around the Pig Hour, in the 辛 巳 month, a friend of mine’s car was totaled as a result of a car accident. Now, my friend was not in the vehicle during the accident. Instead, someone ran their car into my friend’s stationary vehicle. My friend’s car was the ‘sandwich’ meaning it was rear and front ended, and damaged the car behind it as well (also stationary and parked)

Here is an interesting case study. I won’t reveal the details of who is who for now, but I will show the 3 BaZis (Incomplete as I do not have the time – a bit hard to go up to a total stranger and demand their time of birth). Needless to say however, the driver who whacked into the stationary car did experience a mild injury. This should be good enough information for you guys to have some fun with these charts.

Look at the three charts and see if you can decipher something about the accident. Have fun.

Chart #1

Luck Pillar Ji Mao 己 卯

Chart #2

Luck Pillar Xin Chou 辛 丑

Chart #3

Luck Pillar Yi Si 乙 巳


  1. Ipohite39

    Lemme guess, Ding You DM is your friend whose stationary car got ‘sandwiched’ and whacked.

    Jia Chen DMis the injured person who rammed his car into the Ding You’s car and

    Jia Zi is the owner of the other car which was also knocked as a result of the accident (the collateral damagee non-sandwicho).

    • baziqueen

      @ipohite39 – perhaps you want to explain how you arrived at your conclusion.

  2. Ipohite39

    Did I get it right, by the way?

    Anyway, I drew my conclusions from this – Ding You folks almost always get bedazzled by the floating water and have their metal objects slammy silly on Gui You days esp. on a year they have an ungrateful punishment lined up.

    Jia Chen folks (the injury victim) tend to hurt a bit when the big and small metal are exposed and coming fast at them. And they kinda have a destructive streak in them when in chou LPs.

    The Jia Zi dude or dudette had the least harm (caveat since hr of birth unknown) since any big metal smash ups will be arbitrated by his big water pal up there.

  3. sal

    chart3 car got sandwiched
    chart2 is the immobile vehicle chart 1 is the drivrer

  4. sal

    chart1 has a full water trine yet the zi forms a uncivilized punishment with mao. the water trine is like a moving vehicle that gets into a slight clash. thats ji earth stopping waters path. or the uncivilized punishment.
    chart3 DO is sandwiched by the two ding or friend .a friend involved is chart 2the friend.
    chart two deals with mostly the earthly branches or tombs.can be stagnant objects like a parked car . he has a clash of the dog and dragon and destruction with chen and the ox.

    • baziqueen

      @ Sal – answers are correct but reasoning is wrong. Firstly, chart #1 does not have full Water (Shen-Zi-Chen) combo because the Hour is not correct. As such, the assumption of the answer is premised on an entirely wrong basis. Chart #3 is indeed the unlucky person who’s car was sandwiched but since she doesn’t know any of the 2 other people, it is a total stretch to say it is due to ‘Friend’. Not sure I agree with the reasoning related to Chart #2 who was the least involved in the whole process, since his car was only modestly damaged and he was really just an unlucky third party.

  5. Ipohite39

    Chart 1 (careless driver) Shen clashing out into AP (relates to movement & travel) leaves the Rat and Horse to thrash out each other. Month combo of Si-Wu minimises effect.

    • baziqueen

      @Ipohite39 – this is such fun. I should do this more often. “Shen clashing out into AP” – what is this? Si+Wu is a combo? Why and what effect does it minimise? Rat and Horse – how does this have anything to do with the car accident?

  6. latte

    Remembered reading your 2010 Geng Yin year article about Geng metal clash Jia wood being associated with car accidents.

    Using this simple logic, chart 1 with Geng Shen is the driver.

    Chart 3’s Yin in the month pillar is closer to the day pillar than Chart 2’s Yin (located at the year pillar). Hence Chart 3’s impact would be more serious, and therefore Chart 3’s car was sandwiched.

  7. Ipohite39

    It sure is fun. Chart 1 – Shen clashing out in to Annual Branch of Yin (this year). forgot about Hai hour becoming a layer of harm there. 辛巳 mth and 癸酉day gives water more power and Rat clashes HO. HO impaired equals poor driving capability momentarily and crash!. Enngh! 3 mins up! Haha

    • baziqueen

      @ngWK – eh, how do you equate HO with poor driving capability? And you are assuming that the crash relates to poor driving capability when there is nothing in my description to explain HOW the driver came to hit the car.

  8. Ipohite39

    B, It’s just my deduction.

    I meant driving capability momentarily impaired – not poor driving capability of Chart 1.

    Sure, if we don’t have full info, we are guessing part of the time. After all, bazi just gives us some probabilities. For all we know, maybe Chart 1 one does have a full water frame in it.

    • baziqueen

      @wkng83 – “driving capablity momentarily impaired” okay. Agreed on the basis that most accidents are a result of impaired driving capability of some sort, if not just blatant stupidity and general incompetence with operating a vehicle. The question is

      a) how did you deduce that driving capability is related to HO star?
      b) how did you arrive at the conclusion that the accident was caused by “impaired driving capability” from the chart

      For the other curious onlookers who are reading but for some reason, not having fun having a go at this (you all do realise that wkng is the one benefiting the most learning wise from this entire exercise 🙂 – this is exactly the reason why people have trouble learning BaZi. Because they are not put under the pressure of justifying their opinion and explaining how they derived it. The answer, is just as important, as how you got there.

  9. Ipohite39

    In Chart 1, there is a “only one will survive clash”. So, it’s comfort zone feel vs HO. And HO is related to driving cos’ I don’t see how EG is what Formula 1 drivers use when they work the track competitively.
    Now, Shen-Zi actually downplays or muffles (if u call it) the Zi-Wu clash cos’ half directional combos comes before clashes in de pecking order of things. Then comes Geng Yin year bringing the Tiger. Tiger then engages the Monkey and the Monkey takes his eyes of the Zi for a short while and Ka-blam, only one will survive clash kicks up a notch leaving poor Horsie and HO weak and impaired.
    The other compounding this that 己卯LP’s Mao unleashes another blow at the Rat and Horse. and the Ji up there messes up the Ren water up there and his good-feel gets contaminated.

    Main thing here is the Horse which keeps things nice,warm and balanced suddenly gets clashed and destroyed, resulting in the accident. There are not too many ways to hit a stationary parked vehicle. Either your brakes failed or you werent paying attention while driving.

    • baziqueen

      @ wkng: “In Chart 1, there is a “only one will survive clash”. So, it’s comfort zone feel vs HO. And HO is related to driving cos’ I don’t see how EG is what Formula 1 drivers use when they work the track competitively.” = wow, so now the driver is also a Formula One driver? Where did that arrive from? Are you saying then that people without Hurting Officer in their chart cannot drive a car? Further, you still have not explained how you deduced that driving ability is connected to the HO star.

      I have never heard of the ‘Only One Will Survive’ clash as the way the Horse-Rat clash is defined. Agreed it is Resource vs Hurting officer. But since you still haven’t explained how Hurting Officer relates to driving capability, you can’t use the clash to justify further the reason for the accident.

      “Now, Shen-Zi actually downplays or muffles (if u call it) the Zi-Wu clash cos’ half directional combos comes before clashes in de pecking order of things.” – i would not regard this as set in stone in so far as principles go. Whether or not the 3 Harmony Combo (btw, it’s not a directional combo but 3 Harmony) comes first in the pecking order is not relevant to your deduction as to her being the one who caused the accident surely? (which is the reason for this discussion)

      “Then comes Geng Yin year bringing the Tiger. Tiger then engages the Monkey and the Monkey takes his eyes of the Zi for a short while and Ka-blam, only one will survive clash kicks up a notch leaving poor Horsie and HO weak and impaired.” – again, the flaw with this is the theory that the Horse/HO star is the cause of the problem. Further, all this discussion of the Branches, does not actually lead to any deductions/answers. How are you translating this from BaZi-speak to real world speak?

      “The other compounding this that 己卯LP’s Mao unleashes another blow at the Rat and Horse. and the Ji up there messes up the Ren water up there and his good-feel gets contaminated.” – again, Resource can be the source of the problem in a driving accident BUT you haven’t translated Ji contaminates Ren in real world speak.

      Try avoiding the use of any of the BaZi terminology to deconstruct the story of what happened.

      Main thing here is the Horse which keeps things nice,warm and balanced suddenly gets clashed and destroyed, resulting in the accident. There are not too many ways to hit a stationary parked vehicle. Either your brakes failed or you werent paying attention while driving.

  10. Ipohite39

    Bernice, there’s isn’t any problem learning bazi for most folks. It is improving their knowledge in bazi that is the problem. It is easy to learn but hard to refine.

  11. Ipohite39

    HO is the star the gives ppl their “Just do it’ streak. Water relating to thoughts coupled with excess metal in the Snake Month and Rooster day makes for 金水多,会多情, making it hard for the DM to think straight. The other possibility is the full ungrateful punishment coupled with harm as spelled out by the title of your post ” Monkey meets Tiger” in Snakey month.

    Well, since you have not explained the full facts or full picture, I have to qualify all I have said becos’ we dunno what we dunno based on the details thus provided.

    • baziqueen

      @ wkng – commendable effort in attempting to ‘reverse engineer’ the situation. As pointed out by another student, I have left the situation open-ended in terms of what you can interpret from the charts. However, I think that the justifications for the answers leave much to be desired, certainly in terms of the level of reasoning being used.

      Let me first dissect your most recent answer, and then provide the food for thought.
      “HO is the star the gives ppl their “Just do it’ streak. ”
      = HO is not really the Just Do It star – Just Do It is more 7killings. HO is ‘let me show you what I can do, and btw, it will be like nothing you have seen’. In any case, you have not answered convincingly WHY the Hurting Officer Star has anything to do with the accident at all. The argument that the HO star is related to Just Do It (assuming that you were for the sake of argument right on the Star’s traits) does not justify how the person ended up in an accident. Are you saying that the driver who ploughed into the other car just felt like wrecking another car?

      “Water relating to thoughts coupled with excess metal in the Snake Month and Rooster day makes for 金水多,会多情, making it hard for the DM to think straight.” – so, all emotional people are by necessity bad drivers and going to have an accident as a result of being emotional? Really, where is the logic in this argument? The Water is a relevant point, but your argument as to WHY it is the water is off-kilter here.

      “The other possibility is the full ungrateful punishment coupled with harm as spelled out by the title of your post ” Monkey meets Tiger” in Snakey month.” – hmm, this one is a little bit warmer. However, your ‘exam answer’ won’t get a score because you have not been able to explain WHY this relates to the accident.

      So, here’s what you were SUPPOSED to have picked up on.

      Why is Chart #1 the driver?
      Notice that Chart #2 and Chart #3 both have TIGERS. Only Chart #1 has a MONKEY. Metal always clashes OUT, it goes to Wood. Hence, Chart #1 is the driver, and Chart #2 and #3 the recipients.

      Secondly, in the facts given, it was pointed out that the driver who ploughed into the other two cars was injured. Chart #1 is the only one with a Metal and Wood clash, which usually signifies injury. indeed, the driver in this case bashed her head into the steering wheel in the course of the accident.

      Now, where some reverse engineering is required is to determine the CAUSE of the accident. In this respect, we must look a bit deeper into the CHARACTER of the person driving the vehicle. Disclosure: since I was there, I know the cause. And so, I fully admit, this is deconstruction/reverse engineering using information I already have. In this respect, wkng and all those who tried to answer this were attempting to reverse engineer without knowledge of the outcome.

      It is clear that in Chart #1, there is a Resource vs Hurting Officer clash. There is also a pure pillar of 7 Killings in the chart. What does this tell us about the character of the person? 7 Killings makes the person impulsive, reckless even a little. Normally the tendency of people who have 7 kilings is to drive fast, or always be in a hurry. Chart #1 has a Hurting Officer structure, with a Resource clash. This suggests the person has an inability to balance their work-life – HO relates to work/output, Resource relates to relaxation, time off, vacation. In 2010, there is a half Fire combination between the Tiger and the Horse. And, the accident took place in the Snake month, which is the peak of Summer. Further in the Stem, there is a 7 Killings Star. So there is a lot of work pressure/stress on the person. Note that in Snake month this year, Metal is also very strong.

      The driver who slammed into the stationary vehicle had fallen asleep at the wheel. And looked very tired (dark circles under eyes, fatigued) when observed in the aftermath of the accident. The driver had also not been wearing a seat belt – which is very typical of people with 7 Killings.

      A very simple and obvious evaluation which no one saw was that Snake + Tiger + Monkey are all travelling Stars. And so that would have been the one of the answers to why there was an accident.

  12. Ipohite39

    As I said earlier. we did not have the benefit of watching the “Youtube” of the whole scenario, hence our deductions were at best, guesstimates. The only one will survive clash is mentioned in MA’s Module 1 and 2 notes. [thought u would have known that].
    I think we also missed out the Chen-You combo on that day which strengthens the metal becoming to chop the wood (driver – injury)

    • baziqueen

      @ wkng – M1 and M2 notes are new as of last year so I will fully plead my ignorance on the name. In any case, I am curious to know how knowing it is called a ‘Only One Will Survive’ Clash has actually helped you figure out what the clash means. My guess is it doesn’t. I have nothing against names – Love Horse-Carriage Disaster myself – but at least that one is obvious. Chen-You combo in whose chart? And no – Chen-You cannot be used to relate to driver-injury. That is very clearly from the Jia and Geng on the Stems in Chart #1. Finally I MUST address your issue that your deductions are at best guesstimates because you were not there to see what happened. No client will give you a YouTube of their life and ask you to backwards explain it using their chart. The purpose of BaZi is to be able to provide forward going advice. Which means, usign the information at the chart to arrive at an OUTCOME, when it has not happened yet. An incidentally, a deduction by definition, cannot be a guesstimate.

  13. Ipohite39

    Thanks for your input on the Chen-You combo. My view is that the Chen-You combo gives the Axe (Geng) more rooting and strength to “activate” or increase likelihood of the accident. Without it, the Shen root in the year branch doesn’t have that much power.

    I wasn’t talking about the Youtubes of their lives or life but of this car accident – which you had a first or 2nd hand knowledge of the event. Seeing dark circles around the eyes and all. In Bazi, we know 1+1 does not equal 2 all the time. Hence deductions are just a more defensible view compared to guesstimates.


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