Screwed by the Tiger or head-butted by the Ox?

by Mar 6, 2010Uncategorized5 comments

The Tiger Month is finally over (we officially move in to Rabbit today) and I for one am glad to see it go.

I’ve been hearing a number of reports about a tough month from a number of people (and these are from individuals who’s charts contain Tiger, but also some who’s charts don’t contain Tiger) – many of the challenges are the equivalent of “shit hitting the fan” for lack of a better word.

Note: a number of the charts of individuals who have had a challenging month appear to involve either the Dragon (interacts with Ox) or Tiger/Pig. Interesting.

My fellow BaZi consultant at the Academy, Chan Chi Tim, was just commenting to me at the start of the month that the Tiger month this year is deceptive. Conventionally, we regard the energies of the year as coming into fore as the old year ends, and the new year starts to get closer. And typically, the energies of that particular year will PEAK the closer we are to the month which shares the Branch of the Year (and also which Clashes, Harms, Destroys the Year).

So the theory is that as we approached February 2010, and 2010 being 庚 寅 that logically, we would feel the breath of the Tiger, and the tail of the Ox would be perhaps at best a mere wispy flick.

It however has not turned out to be the case. Much of the issues that the people I know have faced, and which I myself have had to deal with this month, seem to have elements of Ox, but also Tiger. It’s a bit of a Hybrid month if you like.

(Ox 丑 and Tiger 寅 have a special relationship as well so perhaps that’s also of significance)

Ox in the sense that many of the problems that have arisen are of sort of a culmination of obstacles and problems faced in 2009 己 丑 (the year of Poop as I like to think of it). In other words, challenges related for example to delay, slowness or just downright stubborn obstacles/blocks that won’t get out of the way that arose in 2009, achieve resolution but with the sort of ‘crap hits the fan’ manner.

I cannot think of a better way to describe it that essentially, imagine unblocking a toilet, but blowing poop all over the walls in order to do so.

The channel has been cleared, but there’s also the messy problem of brown goo over the walls, and floor and of course oneself.

It is in some respects, a kind of ‘good’ version of excrement hitting the fan. If a good version can even exist of something like that.

Now, the overlap of Ox into the Tiger year involves something akin to a Harm – 庚 寅 is in essence, 申 - 寅 which is not just horrible and unpleasant because it’s hard vs hard, tough vs tough, but involves a sense of having been hit by a truck that came from nowhere. And because the arbitrating element is Water, emotions are invariably involved (which brings the Pig into play – Destruction now!) and become part of the equation.

Sidenote: wonder if this has any implication on why we’ve had Earthquakes this month,and Tsunami scares, when technically in Tiger, Water-related disasters shouldn’t really be the order of the day since the year lacks Water. But then again, this is the month of 戊 寅 which is earth being uprooted, and the Tiger is strong this month…although I sense the tail of the Ox is not entirely without involvement since 2009 did see a large number of Earth related disasters.

In hindsight, that’s a very good summary of the month I know a number of people have experienced. The air has been cleared, but one is left crying out of frustration because you’ve now got poop all over yourself. There is resolution and finality, there is conclusion, but the conclusion well – stinks. Or sucks.

The technical conclusion here is perhaps this: because the Ox year’s energies peaked in the Ox month of 2010 (as opposed to the Ox month of 2009, which thus lulled us into a false sense of comfort and security after the crap of 2008 – think about how the financial crisis unfolded and continues to unfold), and the energies of the 2010 Tiger are growing in strength in the Tiger month of 2010, there’s a clashing and mixing of the energies if you like.

And both these energies are very different – you have the Ox, which is smothering, passive-aggressive, Ultra Yin, death by quicksand and very still, and then you have Tiger, which is Sha driven (Geng on top, and Geng is the only one of the 10 Day Masters which ‘carries Sha’), aggressive, stubborn (both Geng and Jia are the generally obstinate DMs) and Ultra Yang in nature, and destructive.

Hmm, come to think of it, it is kinda like stucking a plunger into the toilet, and end up with crap all over the walls.

What this means is also that we may get the same ‘crossover’ effect at the end of 2010-2011 because those who have noticed the sequence of the Monthly Pillars for 2010 will see that we are effectively repeating on a monthly basis, the last 10 years worth of Pillars.

We will see a Ji Chou in Jan 2011. And a Geng Yin in Feb 2011. (and FUN, the month will Fu Yin the year in March 2011).

Further, this also suggests that the energies of the Tiger potentially have not peaked in February 2010, but will actually peak closer to February 2011. And because of the connected nature of Geng Yin to Xin Mao (it’s the same idea, just repeated in a more insidious fashion), we will see a lot of interplay of energies in the first three months of 2011.

In any case, hopefully this is truly the END OF OX. And perhaps some peace and uneventful quiet until we at least get to Monkey month.


  1. daisy

    Hi Bazi Queen,

    I can really relate with your ‘shit hit the fan’ comment as I have only had blockages after blockages – Gui water so was really bad for me & Tiger Yr also brings harm – no hope

  2. Devadog

    Great commentary – both hilarious and insightful. Thank-you
    As a Bing DM, I had expected better of February, but what you write makes sense of what actually happened.

  3. Ipohite39

    I’m an Ox. No secret deals to make me rich yet and Tiger month has passed (sigh), or hasn’t it – if Feb 2011 is the real peak.

  4. Melissa

    Wow, your analysis is quite spot on in terms of what’s transpired with me too.

    You show real depth and knowledge in your assessment…keep up the good work!

  5. Renee

    I’m a BING DM (strong) born in an Ox year and I can unhappily state that Feb and March were the *worst* with the s*** hitting the fan on a personal level. Your bathroom description though, sure sounds like the oil crap going on in the gulf in the U.S., if you know what I mean….even though it didn’t start till the end of April I think it was. Just FYI.


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