Peach Blossom Stars – necessary? Over-rated? Or a nice to have?

by Mar 6, 2008BaZi, BaZi of the Stars6 comments

During consults, there is often an inordinate amount of interest in Peach Blossom stars. Most clients usually have tried out plotting their own charts and some who have read some books on BaZi will usually be able to recognise the Peach Blossom Stars.

If you are inclined to find out, you can use the BaZi Ming Pan calculator at and in your chart, look for any of these four characters: 子 卯 午 酉 inside the BaZi chart in either one of the four pillars.

Peach Blossom Stars

People who have Peach Blossom stars always want to know what it means for their romantic life (guys for example, usually are curious to know what it *means*) and ladies of course are anxious about the presence of such stars in their husband/boyfriend’s chart. It’s odd but ladies themselves do not seem to be too concerned with the presence of such a star in their chart.

Anyway, people often ask what it means to have a Peach Blossom star. Well it means attraction at its most basic level. A certain likeability. People with Peach Blossom are easier to like. We tend to gravitate towards them. So from a romance standpoint, having Peach Blossom is a plus because it just means you don’t have to work so hard to attract the attention of the opposite sex. It’s a bit like having a hook that is already baited, rather than having to put the worm on the hook so to speak.

Personally, I am not of the view that Peach Blossom is essential. Sometimes, it can be a pain – just ask people who have more than one Peach Blossom Star. Too much Peach Blossom (more than 1) can also mean you have relationship problems – unwanted attention, attention from people you don’t like, dogsbodies chasing after you, stalkers (if you are not careful!).

And, Peach Blossom is not what helps close the deal (aka, cross the matrimonial line). For ladies, if their chart ONLY has Peach Blossom, but they lack a true officer star, or have no officer, it just means attraction, without being actually able to close the deal! Or worse, a line full of suitors but nary a decent prospect in sight!

Professionally, in a female chart, I would rather there be a good Officer star than Peach Blossom – Officer increases your chances of closing the deal (provided you get the right Luck Pillars as well) whilst Peach Blossom sometimes can be just an awful lot of trouble from the opposite sex. In a man’s chart, Peach Blossom is usually trouble if you’re not smart with how you make use of it.

So Peach Blossom is nice to have, and helpful most of the time but essential? Hmm, questionable.


  1. Lilac

    Is Wu/Wu a clash?

  2. balzac

    You wrote:

    In a man’s chart, Peach Blossom is usually trouble if you’re not smart with how you make use of it.

    I was just curious, how would someone with such a chart make good use of it?

    • Baziqueen

      @ balzac – to get things done because Peach Blossom makes a person likeable to most people in general. Some people make use of their peach blossom purely to score with the opposite sex, or don’t bother to self-improve or develop other skills to complement their ability to get people to do things for them via Peach Blossom.

  3. Marclove

    I have 3 peach blossoms,(monkey,rabbit,rabbit,and rooster) ……none of them is located in the time branch….Pls what does it spells?

  4. ML Wong

    i have 2 peach blossom star, WU-ZI. is a clash. is that the reason that’s why i cannot get a boyfriend until now?



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