On being Geng…(and Jia)

I recently came across this book, Hagakure: The Art of the Samurai (by Yamamoto Tsunetomo, translated by Barry D Steben) in the bookstore and bought a copy. Loved it. But more importantly, I thought it was a book that really illuminated the thinking of two types of...

Are you 'The Special One'?

Beginner students to BaZi have a tendency to think that any chart which seems difficult to decipher, must, by necessity be a SPECIAL CHART. As special charts (ie: Super Vibrant Charts, Transforming Charts) have a different set of rules, it’s easy to resort to...

A Brief History of Chinese Time

A reader sent me this e mail: I made a small adjustment in my Time column of the chart. Well, it was official that my birth time is 2203hrs (which 10:03pm, is rightfully the Pig Hour), but my sister who had gone for a Bazi consultation before had advised that our Bazi...

Why free BaZi Advice is a Bad Idea

Since I’m the person usually on the receiving end of a request for free advice, you’d obviously expect me to say this. Personally, I have no issues with the GIVING free advice. The problem I have is with people not TAKING the free advice. I’m...

The One Day Master to Rule Them All?

Beginners to BaZi often find themselves straying down the path of contemplating if one Day Master is above others. 甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 己 庚 辛 壬 癸 Is there a One Day Master that rules them all? Jia 甲 for example, seems to be stuck in a bit of a disadvantageous position, since...