How to train a Gui 癸 Water

First, imagine Gui. It is the mist. It hangs in the air, giving a certain romance to images of the early morning. A dewy ethereal quality to everything around it. Blurring the lines, enhancing the light, softening the hardness. It also obscures what lies beneath. It...

The Art of the Bazi question

One of the single biggest reason why clients are dissatisfied with a BaZi consultation is that the consultant did not give them any answers. A close second is the view that the consultation did not yield the answers they wanted. (Disclosure: this is my decidedly...

Away with Thee, Combinations!

People are OBSESSED with Combinations (合). I have absolutely NO IDEA WHY. I get an endless array of questions from people asking about combinations in their charts and I just don’t understand this fixation with Combinations. Especially STEM COMBINATIONS Heavenly...