Not all Hurting Officer/Eating Gods are created equal. If you have a versatile Eating God/Hurting Officer Stars, your Output Star has a interchangeable, chameleonic and varied quality. Lady Gaga, a Xin Metal Day Master, uses Water as her Output Star. And as this series of videos illustrates, that is what accounts to some degree, for her tremendous versatility as a perform.
Gui becomes Ren. Ren becomes Gui. Yang to Yin. Yin to Yang. Enigmatic one minute, powerful the next. Ethereal sometimes, ballsy at other times. Tsunami today. Rain tomorrow.
Sounding like Madonna…
Inexplicable…Southern Rock…yet works…
Then a Duet with Tony Bennett singing…JAZZ
The piece de resistance…
Although she is undeniably versatile and her career obviously belongs to output category, her chart together with her LP barely have any drop of water. On the other hand, her wealth is abundant giving tremendous support to her DO. Would you mind share why do you think versatility from water nature affect her career so much?
Xin must use Water. And can get very far with very little water.