2015 Forecast – Getting Your Goat

by Dec 26, 2014Annual Outlook8 comments

I must admit I have been rather negligent in updating this blog – proof being that it the second to last most recent entry was last year’s annual forecast information. Yi Wei resolution – to update blog more. Hopefully. Anyway, as per last year, I will be doing the Day Master forecast, and then hopefully if I have time, the overall annual forecast analysis. As per previous, the Day Masters will go in the order of their appearance in the 60 Jia Zi, beginning with Jia and ending with Gui.

Before I launch into the individual forecasts for the 10 Day Masters, some important academic stuff, mostly which relates to how a lot of this information is derived. You might wonder what I bother to bore people with the details of how the answers were explained determined. Simple – because BaZi oftentimes is all too much based on faith and fate (“Just Believe”) and people are often not critical, inquisitive or for that matter, intellectual, when they are given an answer in BaZi. WHY is almost as important as the HOW is almost as important as THE ANSWER when it comes to Astrology because Why is how you determine the solution, and How explains to you the context, whereas The Answer has an annoying habit of being quite uninformative (especially when the answer is in the form of ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ or ‘Okay’).

The methodology for determining the outcomes of each of the 10 Day Masters (sans a chart, which of course, is the Gold Standard of a forecast – let there be no illusion about that) is based on a couple of simple premises.

Firstly, we use the old-fashioned principle that there are prized stars and there are not so prized stars. The prized stars are Officer, Wealth (specifically Direct Wealth although these days, who wants the plain old boring vanilla wealth) and Resource (but only Direct Resource, as this is a better quality Nobleman). So simple method: the Day Masters that ‘see’ a prized star, one presumes to be having a favourable year. The Day Masters that ‘see’ a not-so-prized star, one presumes to be having a less favourable year. In the context of 2015, as Goat contains 己,乙 and 丁 so it is important that all of these be prized stars to the Day Master, or at least 2 of them be such– if one is prized but the other two are not, then we would presume a less than favourable year as a whole.

Secondly, we operate on the assumption that the Branch (which is Goat 未)carries greater significance than the Stem (which is Yi Wood 乙) although as Yi is prominent this year due to rooting, so preferably, Yi should also be a prized/favourable star.  It goes without saying that if you have Stem and Branch prized, that’s a big bonus. An additional consideration this year is that the Goat 未 is the graveyard of Ding 丁 Fire, which means all that which is represented by Ding Fire is lost or comes to an end in some way or form. So if 丁 is a prized star for the Day Master, then the fact that Ding enters graveyard in 2015 indicates a less than favourable outcome or circumstance in 2014.

Thirdly, we can add further refinement to the process by qualifying specifically which of the six types of each Day Master is likely to benefit the most. This is done by comparing the interaction of the Jia Zi of the year 乙 未  with the Jia Zi of the Six Day Masters, but also determining if there is a favourable Combination involving the year and the Jia Zi.

Onward then to Yi Wei…




There are various reasons for Jia Woods to dread 2015, the principle reason being that 2014 probably wasn’t that great overall for most Jia Woods and so it would have been nice to look forward to a better 2015. However, broadly speaking, 2015 will not be better for Jia Woods overall when it comes specifically to FINANCES. This is because 2015 is the year of 乙 未 Yi Wei and accordingly the Rob Wealth Star is extremely prominent in the year. Of course, the Rob Wealth Star comes along for every Day Master at some point in the year so why such a big deal as far as the Jia Wood is concerned? Firstly, Jia Wood and Yi Wood have a unique relationship with each other in the context of how the Companion Star interacts with the Day Master. Jia Wood always loses out to Yi Wood, whilst Yi Wood must always have Jia Wood. In plainspeak this means that the presence of a Yi Wood always indicates a Jia Wood is about to lose out somehow. Secondly, Jia 甲and Yi 乙 have a unique relationship with their respective Wealth Stars – both Jia and Yi cannot use Wu 戊 and must use Ji 己 . However, Yi Wood is uniquely privileged because Ji is its Indirect Wealth Star whilst Ji is the Direct Wealth Star of Jia.

In 2015, we have Yi Wood seated on Wei, which contains Ji Earth as the Main Qi. Both the Jia and the Yi will make a play for the Ji Earth in the year but Yi will have the advantage because it is actually seated on the Wei but also, it is Indirect Wealth for Yi (more money!) but only Direct Wealth for Jia. In plainspeak this means that Jia Woods will have an opportunity for financial or business related partnerships this year, which looks like it will yield financial reward. Unfortunately, the partnership will end up benefitting the Jia Wood LESS and the Yi Wood more. Whilst the Jia Wood WILL get some of the pie, it is likely a few crumbs whilst the Yi Wood laughs all the way home with most of the pie. Accordingly, Jia Woods should be very cautious about short-term investments in 2015, especially when it involves co-investing or doing deals with someone else. Specifically 甲 戌 and 甲子 must be cautious when engaging in financial investing or business partnerships or any kind of wheeling and dealing.  甲午 ironically may fare slightly better although after coming out from a fu yin year, perhaps it might be best to just stay on the sidelines for a bit.

Yi Wood


Yi Wood in 2015 sees a Friend Star, which can have a number of implications. The first obviously is that 2015 will be a more introspective, self-driven year. Yi Wood’s are by nature, naturally self-driven, given that survivalism is their innate character and manner. As such, they will be more self-centric (or if one wishes to be judgmental, selfish) in 2015.  For Yi Woods, this means that there will be more snakes in the pit than usual, and everyone that you will be working with will reflect your inherently self-driven mindset. 2015 therefore will be the year of ‘Every Yi For Themselves‘, as far as the Yi Woods are concerned. Granted, there is money in the year given the presence of the Wei Earthly Branch but remember, seated on top is a Friend Star. This means that there will be deals to be made but they will likely be deals with old cronies (people you already know and have done business with) or will be deals that don’t offer the lopsidedness that Yi Woods tend to be rather prone to negotiating for themselves. Heaven forbid but Yi Woods may actually have to offer a decent value proposition in 2015 to their partners to make any of the deals go forward!

Of course, an excess of the Friend Star translates into Rob Wealth. So it will be a year of money coming in, but also potentially money going out as Yi Wood’s decide to indulge themselves, given the need for the Water (Resource) element in the decidedly dry 2015. The year will be worst for 乙未 Day Masters obviously, as it is a Fu Yin (as such, make no changes and simply sit out the year quietly), and least financially advantageous for 乙亥 since the Combination of Hai-Mao-Wei will result in a very strong Rob Wealth Star. 乙 丑 will find that there will be cashflow problems in every deal along with seemingly ruthless partners who are just as self-preservationist as you are! 乙卯 will find there are too many people in the deal and that it ultimately turns out to be not worth the time spent. 乙酉 and 乙巳 will probably come off the year the least negatively affected financially, with 乙 巳 probably having the best odds of a decent 2015 although the hours at work will likely be long due to the excess element of Fire, which means health is potentially affected in 2015.

The lack of water element in 2015 will be somewhat detrimental to Yi Woods given the importance of that element to Wood Day Masters generally. For the average working class Yi Wood, there will be a decided lack of mentors or Noble People in 2015, so steer clear of any potentially dodgy situations because you may find there is no one to rescue you when you get stuck in the mud. 乙卯 and 乙 未 need to be particularly conscious of this risk.

Bing Fire


2015 will be a strong Direct Resource year for Bing Fire individuals, coupled with a Hurting Officer Star in the equation. New ideas, new inspiration and new challenges will be at the forefront of the year’s offerings for the Bing Fire individual, after a 2014 of exploring many varied options, and contemplating partnerships as a way forward. Ding Fire enters the graveyard in 2014, denoting also the end of a partnership or a collaboration for Bing Fire individuals, confirming further, the indication of a new challenge or new operating environment for the Bing Fire individual. You may find yourself operating in a smaller department at work, or taking on a new role at the office (not necessarily a new position though, just a recalibration in what you do). Staff problems will be the biggest bane of 2015 for the Bing Fire individual, especially for 丙 戌 and 丙 子 or Bing Fire DMs with a preponderance of Earth in their charts (born in January or Ox Year need to be particularly concerned). 丙子 will be particularly negatively affected in 2015 as staff problems not only create problems with productivity, but negatively affect their relationship with their superiors OR give rise to authority and leadership challenges as well.  You may find yourself sandwiched between a recalcitrant employee, and a displeased boss.

New mentors may emerge in 2015 for the Bing Fire DMs, and with this person’s presence comes a new challenge and new opportunities to learn and gain new experiences. The downside of course is that there will not be much financial reward for your efforts (although 2016 is a wealth year so it is not so much a case of no money at all, but a case of delayed reward as it were).

Ding Fire


2015 brings about a prominent Indirect Resource Star for Ding Fire DMs, along with a strong Eating God Star. As such it will be a year of unconventional pursuits for Ding Fire Day Masters, with a possibility that many of the objectives you set in place will not be achieved simply because they require TIME or perhaps may well be simply too lofty or idealistic. Ding Fire DMs will find themselves fluctuating between extremes this year as they attempt to be both optimistic and frustratingly perfectionist at the same time. However, it is important to recognise that 2016 is potentially a good year for Ding Fire DMs and so the mantra for 2015 is not to let the YEAR dictate your outcomes or measurables, but instead, to adopt a 2-5 year outlook on everything that you start in 2015. It will be difficult to persuade people that you are right initially but you need to have faith in the singularity and purity of your vision (but in the same vein, be prepared for the possibility that you simply have an idea whose time has not yet come).

Reinvention may well be another theme for Dings in 2015 as the Friend Star (which co-relates with personal identity) enters the graveyard in 2014. Dings have always been masters of changing who they are and altering their style and manner – more so in 2015, expect your friendly neighbourhood Dings to undergo some profound changes as they move into the year of the Goat.

2015 is most challenging for 丁丑 who will find it most difficult to get buy in for their new vision or ideas or objectives whilst 丁亥 will probably have the best year of the lot, thanks to the Three Harmony Wood frame combination that ensures lots of helpful Noble People in the equation, and buy in from the powers that be of your goals and objectives. Financially, 丁巳 will have the toughest year as the seasonal combination coupled with the absence of any wealth star in the year will denote a spendthrift year in pursuit of hobby horses or expensive unique experiences (which may or may not have any financial upside). 丁卯 meanwhile may find that there is a tough toss up between getting started on something new and visionary, and just getting off your ass – can you spell ‘overthinking’?. 丁 未 and 丁 酉 meanwhile escape 2015 with the less unfavourable outcomes of the lot.

Wu Earth

Wu Earth goes into 2015 staring down a strong Direct Officer Star, which generally bodes well for Wu Earths in the corporate world, implying a promotion is likely. Unfortunately, as this year’s Direct Officer Star comes with no Wealth element inside (only a Direct Resource Star and some Rob Wealth), this suggests a promotion that is titular or perks driven rather than actually offering any salary increase. The irony of it all is that Wu Earth may have to actually fight for the promotion (or be asked to throw their hat into the ring) only to get something of a pyrrhic victory. Still, one must always be forward thinking in these matters and given that 2016 has a Indirect Wealth Star in Growth within the Monkey, it might be worthwhile taking up the gig and the hassle (not to mention stress) in the name of long term financial outlook improvement. The alternative interpretation is that Wu Earths will have someone new coming into tell them what to do (a new boss) and that person may be someone who likes to play the friendly boss game (read: sometimes they are your friend, sometimes they are you boss – leading to all around confusion).

Specifically for 戊寅 there will be a conflict between the leadership above that sees you potentially unsure of what approach to take to handling problems due to too many conflicting instructions, and possible leadership paralysis on your side due to uncertainty as to what is the best approach to take in a given situation at work.

On the financial front, the presence of the Rob Wealth Star denotes possible increase in spending in 2015 for Wu Earths in general, with 戊子 likely to be affected by an unexpected loss of wealth due to the Rat-Goat Harm and 戊戌 being the other candidate for financial loss or increased spending in 2015, and specifically, financial loss due to partnership conflict or disagreement. For female Wu Earths, 2015 is indicative of good relationship prospects, but there may be some slight confusion at the start of courtship as the parties try to work out if they are really serious about a relationship, or want to be friends. 戊午 females in particular, have the best odds for a successful relationship in 2015, whilst 戊子 will find it is a direly romantically confusing year indeed.

The year will be best for 戊午  in part because the Horse-Goat combination results in a strong Resource Star, which brings about an overall sense of comfort and capacity to absorb any pressure or stress from the year, although the minus point is that 戊午 may find themselves dithering between exhibiting leadership and waiting out any problems that arise. For 戊 申 and 戊辰 the year will have the least negative outcomes.




  1. Jade

    I do follow your blog and just want to say that you are really awesome. I am not Chinese and it is very hard for me to comprehend some chinese characters in your topics. But it is really worth researching them understanding the whole thing as a beginner. Reading back the topics for 2014 and ever bit was true. Thanks and looking forward for more post

  2. Alexia

    Awesome post as always. 2015 will be a very strong rob wealth star for me. Not only because of the yi being rooted for yi wei, but also because of the now completed three harmony combination of wei-hai-moa. Not looking forward to that. Actually, I’ve already spent quite a little bit of money already. Not to mention my resource stars are already weak in my chart. Ouch! So staying clear what ever looks like trouble brewing. And of course, I already have plans to work like a dog this year to get my romance books out there for the world to enjoy. So yeah, spot on.

  3. James

    Very good reading. Eagerly waiting for the rest of the day masters for 2015. Keep it up

  4. Wu Chen

    My bazi has me to be a Wu Chen year and month but a wu-wu hour and wu-zi day…lol
    I have a 80% direct officer and 55% direct resource with 17% rob wealth…among other things and 84% direct wealth. Using one’s own chart is a classic handicap please forgive me.

    The year having a strong direct officer and also my chart, it seems like it could be a harmony.. in fact all of the 3 profiles mentioned are either harmonious in being equally similar or inharmonious in being equally similar.??

    The blog says that Wu Chen will be impacted the least, that may be because the goat is connected to wealth accumulation for dragons.
    I am entering a new job and a new luck pillar which carriers my flying heavenly wealth star. I start Wednesday, not a good day for chen dragon but a strong stable day, good for assuming a new post. Even though it is a horse day I feel that the wu wu part of me,:) being born in the horse hour, my take the edge off things for me.

    I really enjoy reading and trying to understand the how and why but in the end I am not sure if what I have put together above is nonsense or has some sense to it.

  5. Tiffany

    I’m a Wu Wu day master. It’s just the beginning of July into the year, and I want to say your prediction is very accurate so far. I’ve had a handful of romantic prospects asking me out this year, all of which were appealing. And work and school have been stressful earlier this year, but I got through it with more confidence comparative to last or previous years. I also have a Mao, Hai, Wei Trine in my chart, so I’ve had lot of pressure in spring. I’d like to get a more thorough reading in the future from you, if that’s possible.

    • admin

      Thank you.

  6. Wu Wu

    Also Wu Wu but different to Tiffany and Wu Chen no romance but lot’s of losses, deaths, legal problems, money problems and stress in general! Think this doesn’t count for me as I’m very strong.

    • admin

      “On the financial front, the presence of the Rob Wealth Star denotes possible increase in spending in 2015 for Wu Earths in general”. Direct Officer is all those things – Wu Chen would have these problems if there is a Rabbit in the equation. Also, The Day Pillar is just one component of the chart.


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