How to train a Gui η™Έ Water

by Feb 26, 2011Bazi Basics, Gui η™Έ Water36 comments

First, imagine Gui.

It is the mist.

It hangs in the air, giving a certain romance to images of the early morning. A dewy ethereal quality to everything around it. Blurring the lines, enhancing the light, softening the hardness.


It also obscures what lies beneath. It is mysterious mist, creating the effect of being both foreboding, and forbidden, tempting and enticing, and yet, uncertain and undetermined. Mist that hides, obscures, plays tricks with the eye.

Mist can roll in…

And as swiftly, it arrives, it departs. A clear cloudless sky left behind.

It can be dense. Thick. Fog.

A pea souper. Smog. Pollution.

Gui is the clouds. Fluffy, white, like sheep floating in the sky.

Shade from the heat. Or a Fierce Thundering Storm.

And there is Gui as Rain.

But rain can be gentle rain. Or Hard Rain.

Bruce Lee said ‘Be Like Water’. It means to make oneself formless, and to fit oneself to the container of the situation rather than be rigid. Although strictly speaking, this applies more to Ren 壬 Water than Gui η™Έ Water, Gui also has this measure of adaptiveness, but arguably, a greater measure of adaptiveness because unlike Ren, which must be defined by borders or containment, Gui is like air, it can fill up space, but also seep through the smallest holes, and even permeate through holes that are not there. But it can be O2, or it can be CO2. Deadly. Or life-giving. Clean. Or Polluted.

Gui by necessity in a sense is both formless, and multi-form. It is not defined or determined by a container, but rather, alters its manner or form (rain vs mist, fog vs clouds) and does to at times, without warning, or advance notification.

The nature of the Gui person therefore is chameleonic. They are like the weather, difficult to predict. I would not say impossible to predict because like all things, Gui too has a pattern. Although it not always possible to determine the PRECISION of that pattern, there is a pattern nonetheless. So step one in How to Train a Gui is to realise, it is a case of Predictable Irrationality. (the book by Dan Ariely is also really good).Β  In other words, a dark cloud usually means an umbrella is de rigour, BUT, you’ll never know what will happen.

As such, a critical part of learning how to train a Gui is to first and foremost, be prepared for eventualities. Or surprises. Remember, predictably unpredictable. You might not know where they will go BUT you definitely will have a few ideas. They have old haunts as it were. Places they love to go back to.

The ever-moving nature of the Gui person, and the moodiness (after all, we do say people’s moods are like the weather no?) mean that the person is often impossible to read. Just when you think they are going one way, they end up going the other.

But at the end of the day, mist always gravitates, be it to the ground, or to the mountains. In BaZi terminology, this is the image of Gui η™Έ + Wu 戊 . As Gui + Wu is regarded as a non-sentimental combination, this means that the gravitation of the mist to the mountains is limited. Accordingly, the ability of Gui to comply to the Direct Officer (Wu Earth is the Direct Officer Star of Gui Water) meaning FOLLOW ORDERS is limited. The Gui person is a pied piper that follows his or her own tune, someone else’s tune, or no particular tune. So compliance, and the ability to train a Gui, atΒ  best, is limited in its efficacious. However, the mist does like to hang out with the mountains and it often keeps coming back. So whilst compliance (read: training) sometimes lapses, fear not, as long as the rules are clearly laid down (read: the mountain is in the same place it WAS before this), Gui will return. And Comply.

And lapse. But then comply again.

So the most important thing when dealing with Gui is to be infinitely consistent oneself.

Secondly, it is to be adaptive TO Gui. This does not to be adaptive like Gui. But adapt to the circumstances. Remember, the weather changes fast. And so a Gui person’s mind and moods alter just as quickly. The key therefore is to catch them when they are on the uptick, and slap on the rules.

Be The Mountain.

Gui will often try to worm out of things and are famous for their convenient memories (the mist, the mist). Thus, CARVE IT IN STONE.Always put things in writing. Make sure there is a record of the conversation. Better yet. Tape record it. Because nothing pisses of a Gui, than to go against their own words, when confronted with it. Failing such an effort, you can betcha the Gui will find a reason to worm out of the situation.

Perhaps the most important lesson in How to Train a Gui, is to realise, they can’t really be trained that much. Non-sentimental combination remember? There are limits to their ability to comply, and to be restricted. “How to you take a cloud and pin it down?” – exactly. So don’t try. As indicated, adapt to Gui. Work around Gui’s inabilities to commit, and Gui’s passion for free-spiritedness. For remember, Gui will always return to the Mountain.

Anticipate the possibilities, observe the patterns, and eventually, you will see the trends emerging. Sure, there will be an occasional El Nino or La Nina, but for most of it, Gui will find the Mountain.

So lay out the Mountain. Carve the Rules in Stone. Leave the Gui no room to escape (remember, air and gas can permeate walls). You can never box them in forever, so leave some leeway for them to move around. Seek not to constrain, but to instead, afford space, and room to breathe.

But always make sure you have A MOUNTAIN. (aka, the rules. the commitment. the clarity. the certainty. the bottom line.)


  1. Hooi Hui Min

    Thank you so much for the enlightening entry. My Gui daughther is only 2+ but she’s already exhibiting all the traits you have mentioned. Being a Xin person, I find it very difficult to discipline and teach her. Will her father, a Wu fair better in nurturing her?

    • Baziqueen

      @ Hui Min – haha, just remember one word: BOUNDARIES. Xin and Gui seem to be strange attractors – no idea why. But yes, Dad might be a better option but depends. If self is weak, Mom is still needed.

  2. Shubhrata Shankar

    Hi Bernice, Hope you recall me-I was one of your students in Mumbai in September 2010 (Sherry’s class). If you recall, when you asked what makes one happy, i said ‘freedom’ & immediately you asked if I were a Gui. And i was stumped. Your description about gui is quite apt. As you said, of course we like discipline, although mostly we live life on our terms. I think gui’s who’re ambitious are likely to be trained. The problem is with gui, one needs to show them the ‘greater good’ meaning, most gui’s don’t like to be bossed. But if one tells them it’s for the common good, they comply. this i can say because, I always rebelled as a kid if I were bossed around. freedom & creativity are two things that we like to breathe.
    Your posts are very enlightening. Thanks for everything.

    • Baziqueen

      @ Shubhrata – thanks. Glad you enjoyed the class and the posts.

  3. Kitsune

    Wow, I loved the picture you portrayed!!! i’m Gui,,,,and it’s so true….it was so poetic to read….so basically even if gui has lots of ying earth in the chart, it cannot really suppress the weak Gui day master? ..

    • Baziqueen

      @ Kitsune – quality of the Gui’s ability to be trained (purpose of the post) is not really related to strength since all Gui combine with Wu. The presence of Ji Earth of course, creates a different equation.

  4. Wen

    Wow… I have been waiting for this article for ages!!!!!! Thanx so much! So enlightening cos I’m a gui myself!! And very true… πŸ˜€

  5. peache

    Thank You Very Much baziqueen for your enlightening and informative blog.
    Please write articles on “How to train Ji Earth” and “How to train Ren Water”.

  6. HS

    How grateful I am for this! It is picturesque, throrough, awesome! πŸ™‚ I suppose, yin stems can be trained by the yang stems with which they can make a pair, since in that relationship, yang stem controls yin stem.

    What about the yang stems? Can they tamed by the corresponding yin stems? I don’t think so – but then what is the key for them?

    I would be very happy to read about the other stems as well in similar style (pictures, metaphores, practical thoughts).

    • Baziqueen

      “I suppose, yin stems can be trained by the yang stems with which they can make a pair, since in that relationship, yang stem controls yin stem.” -this is totally wrong thinking IMHO.

      • HS

        Thanks for the reply. Well, then I generalized too early.
        I’m looking forward new “How to train…” articles for the other stems. πŸ™‚

  7. DenisNoMenace

    Lols. Cant hold my laughter and tears when reading the article of my DM. When it sits on Wei ζœͺ,it shows that η™Έ relationship esp on work can get very heaty, unpredictable and witty at times. But does that mean, we dont get the recognition due. Thats because I just got the boot right after completing a significant milestone for the company I am working with. Now if ever tomorrow, I would be my own boss, can my network socialite ( Yr pillar – η™ΈδΈ‘ gui chou) support my dream. I have strong governance and ability to convert potentially high sales with a little wit (Mth: δΈ™θΎ°). But waht I need is someone to show me that mountain. Is it a person, a set of rules like Mastery of an industry? How does it translate to a self employed or self centric person. Tell me if I can consult you for a specific tipping point in my career cross roads. πŸ˜‰ You metioned, a presence of Ji wood makes a difference. Thats my 7K in the hidden roots. can you tell me the secret. Born-17-4-73.

  8. TK

    I’ve recently started researching about the BaZi and I’ve found out that my DM was a weak Gui Water. I’ve got a bit of Ji Earth and Wu Earth in my chart too. Learned that I need more Metal and Water to boost my DM and take advantage of those lucky years.

    Anyhow, I couldn’t agree more with this blog post!

  9. clue

    I have gui water as MD born in an ox month with lots of metal in my chart, I wonder if I’m a weak or strong gui water. What can I do to determinate it?

    • admin

      Strong. Month + presence of Resource Star.

  10. george

    hi what do you think about me?!strong or weak water
    10 december 1987 8:10 am
    bing gui ren ding
    chen si zi mao

    • admin

      Strong Water for sure.

      • george

        I will finish this year general medicine after 6 years of study … I do not want to do to practice as a doctor … I’m going to try to do business in the pharmaceutical field … are too energetic, too exuberant I can very self-control and hard to get … what do you think my scale grid a fighter I really like contact sports … look like an athlete … be an intellectual warrior … in the next post in the wu shen fire after 41 years as wu ding wei bing will be my luck … now in this column I go really bad you ji I’m curious … how will my luck in 2014 and 2015 … my new pillar of luck wu shen will be better than this??
        Thank you very much

        the person with this chart
        bing gui ren ding
        chen si zi mao

        • admin

          I do not comment on charts in my blog – only technical questions are answered.

          • george

            ok than what is the usefull god?bing fire?in fire lp…means alot of money since strong dm like to see fire or money

          • admin

            Yes, Bing Fire would be selected as the Useful God. However, that is the Direct Wealth Star.

          • george

            thank you very much…for me bing-direct wealth means money through hard work….no hard work no money,I wish my useful god to be ding…indirect wealth:)

  11. george

    what do you think about me
    10 december 1987 8:10 am
    bing gui ren ding
    chen si zi mao
    can you describe me?fights are suits for me?I will finish medicine this years…don`t want to be a doctor I want to be a bussinesamna an powerful one

  12. C

    Would just like to know how is it determined that gui DM is strong or weak. Do we look at the heavenly stems or the hidden stems or both? As there might be different ten gods in either.

    • admin

      Look at season of birth.

  13. Gold

    Like how detailed your posts can be πŸ™‚

    Would just like to ask – in relation to DM – why gui hai is seen as a low grade pillar to some while a powerful pillar to others? What possible reasons could there be? (Most likely/main reasons)

    Ive seen case studies with more than one gui hai pillar in the chart. I know it depends on the placement and how it interacts with the dm and w ap/lp but in general, having 2/3/4 gui hai pillars does it always mean more punishments? Since hai hai is a self punishment or if its 3/4 gui hai pillars it will no longer be a self punishment but becomes something else altogether?

    Looking forward to your response to clarify my doubts. Thank you very much in advance πŸ™‚

    • admin

      All pillars have their pros and cons. I don’t recall writing either way re Gui Hai so I’m afraid I don’t know what your reference point is on that.

      3x Gui Hai means triple Self Punishment. That’s all.

  14. Gold

    Oh and also I would jst like to know if the different types of gui dm with different eb will translate into different forms as shown and described in the pictures above? I.e rain, fog, mist, rain… Or the changing of forms only depends on the bazi chart an external pillars rather than the the different eb in the day pillar?

    • admin

      Question is not clear. But there are only six types of Gui DM.

  15. Gold

    If you have the time and are willing to, could you please write a post about the different types of gui dm?

    Im curious how each differs from the other πŸ™‚

  16. Fong

    I am a gui water dm in my chart. Can someone tell if i am a strong or weak dm
    Jia gui gui xin
    Zi xi xi you

    Much appreciated

    • admin

      I assume Xi in your comment is actually Si ε·³. This would be considered strong Gui DM.

      • Fong

        Yes. You are correct. It is the Si. Thank you again.

  17. Jade

    Hi! Need some help pls…
    My bazi is
    Jia Gui Ding Xin
    Yin Si You You
    Born in Autumn.
    Does that make mine a weak or strong gui DM?
    And what should be my useful god(s), which are my noble elements?
    Am confused coz been told mine is weak gui, but Autumn, water supposed to be strong no?

    • admin

      Would be considered moderately strong. If you want to know the nobleman stars, use the JY calculator – it will provide you with that info.

  18. ML Wong

    i am Wu Earth, and my staff is Gui Water. hard to control, sumtimes follow her own rules. Fickle, incoherently, when i pointed she changed what she said previously, her answer is always—> I AM WOMAN, WOMAN CHANGE EVERYDAY. lost hope on her…


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