My BaZi Consultant is a male chauvinist PIG!

by Aug 2, 2009BaZi of the Stars, Baziqueen Theories, Relationships23 comments

…or a bossy, overbearing bitch who thinks she knows everything. (See “I am a terrible BaZi Consultant“)

Well, we’ll talk about the overbearing bossy bitch another time. This week, let’s talk about the Male Chauvinist Pig BaZi consultant.

In the old days, it was UNTHINKABLE that women would be allowed to dabble in metaphysics. God forbid become BaZi consultants or even Feng Shui consultants. Nope.

For women, BaZi is not Destiny.

Biology. That’s Destiny.

Fortunately, the metaphysical world has moved on along with the rest of the world and, nowadays you have many female BaZi consultants (less in the Feng Shui world it would seem). In Hong Kong, it seems things are very even when it comes to female BaZi consultants.

I think it’s natural that there should be women in this field, given that a large proportion of the time, women are the ones likely to be seeking out advice these days.  That being said, from a practice standpoint, I see about an even number of males/females. Although I suppose even in the old days, men would not have called going to see a BaZi consultant to be “going to get advice”. They would have called it something else, as in the old days, seeing a BaZi sifu was for manly things like “finding out information about when I am going to get a promotion” or “how much longer do I have to be stuck in this position before I am promoted to the Emperor’s Number 1 Mandarin”  or “when will I find a wife because I really need someone to give me some kids because working the fields by myself is damn hard work”.

Manly important things. Indeed.

But I digress.

So your Bazi consultant is a male chauvinist pig. What do you do?

By the way, this assumes that you, the reader, are not a man.

My opinion on this is largely informed by two things in my view. First, I am of the view that a BaZi consultant is not an Oracle, although sometimes we do get ahead of ourselves a little here. Their word is not FINAL. And most of the time, their advice and the validity of their advice, is dependent on your goals and your actions. In short, they just talk the talk. YOU are the one who has to walk the walk.

Secondly, and as is quite self-evident, I happen to be an educated member of the XX gender. So I have very little respect (and heaps of scorn) for BaZi advice that is predicated on the extremely outdated, decidedly Confucian belief that:

1. Women require marriage (and children) in order to be fulfilled, completed, satisfied, happy, and not bitchy old crones.

2. Women are somehow inferior to men because our brain happens to be where it’s supposed to be.

3.Women need someone to take care of them, financially, put a roof over their heads, and occasionally buy them diamond rings.

4. A truly good female BaZi belongs to a female who does not have to work.

If you have any good ones that you’ve heard, please send them my way. I will add them to the list.

So, let’s deal with these in order, except (2) which obviously requires no further explaination.

Women require marriage (and children) in order to be fulfilled, completed, satisfied, happy, and not bitchy old crones.

Just like there are some charts where money buys happiness, in some charts, marriage does by happiness. In some charts, the Husband Element does indeed happen to hold the key to the person’s happiness and satisfaction in life. Certain Day Masters for example, do experience significant quality of life improvement as a result of marriage. Ji Earth and Gui Water Female Day Masters in particular.

However, guess what? The Star the represents the Husband Element, known as the Direct Officer 正 官 also represents a person’s boss or superior. (you can of course, kill two birds with one stone and marry your boss but I don’t advise it). So in fact, a woman who’s chart requires the Direct Officer star in which to experience an improvement to quality of life and general personal happiness, can actually obtain this effect by doing the unthinkable.

HAVING A CAREER. WORKING FOR SOMEONE. USING THE BRAINS SHE WAS GIVEN FOR THE BETTERMENT OF OTHERS, or maybe her wallet. The consumer economy needs support after all.

In les ancient times, working was not an option for women. Today, it is not the case.

So, far from the view that women need a husband in order to feel satisfied, contented and happier in life, you could have the same effect from a totally amazing, absolutely stonking, kick-ass job/career. Marriage is a CHOICE, because ladies, we have options. Which means that whomever you do pick to stroll down the aisle with should be someone you’re with for reasons other than frickin elemental necessity.

Here’s what that Male Chauvinist Pig BaZi Consultant probably didn’t mention. Sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, except of course, the gander gets sauce with a splash of XO in it, according to the Old BaZi Consultants Club.

Some MALE charts only have their potential unlocked only after they’ve gotten married.

And even the guys have a choice. Money or Honey. This is because the star that represents the Spouse Element to a man, the Direct Wealth star 正 财, is also the element that represents actual money or assets or investments. So the guy could see his life improve, as his financial situation improves, whether or not he gets a wife to go with the nice house with the picket fence.

And equally, there are male charts where marriage isn’t actually the answer to happiness in life. To wit for these people, why on earth would marriage even be a requirement? Marriage, be it for a man or a woman, should be a choice. Not a necessity.

In the case of women, I highly discourage picking someone simply because you’ve decided you need a man to complete your life. I mean, unless it’s in your chart that you need a man (literally, and even then…see above), it really is external pressure that it is telling you a trip up the aisle is a necessity of life and that we all should just settle for whatever dead fish comes our way.

So on this point, check IGNORE on the advice unless you fall into the exceptions and tell the MCP to stuff it.

Women need someone to take care of them, financially, put a roof over their heads, and occasionally buy them diamond rings.

For this, I can do no better than to quote the great Beyonce:

The shoes on my feet
I’ve bought it
The clothes I’m wearing
I’ve bought it
The rock I’m rockin’
‘Cause I depend on me
If I wanted the watch you’re wearin’
I’ll buy it
The house I live in
I’ve bought it
The car I’m driving
I’ve bought it
I depend on me

So yeah, tell that MCP BaZi consultant to just STUFF IT.

A truly good female BaZi belongs to a female who does not have to work.

In the old days, a good chart was a chart where one was a wealthy landowner and had serfs to do the work. If you’re familiar with those endless recycled-plot TVB Cantonese serials, set in the turn of the century in China, on some wine-tea-leaf-lotus-roof plantation, you’ll know what I mean.

That is why the Resource Star 正 印 is traditionally regarded as a good star when it comes to the conventional outlook on BaZi. (the ‘occasionally’ used modern reference of the Resource Star is ‘laid-back’).

So guess what – in both male and female charts, not having to actually WORK was considered a good thing. Having other people to do stuff for you, was a good thing. Having money to spend, status and reputation was THE LIFE. And most of the time, people inherited this rather than actually achieved it.

In modern times, although inherited wealth does account still for a number of wealthy people in this world, that is rapidly changing.

I take the view that CHOOSING not to work is not the same as not being able to work therefore not having to work. Please also remember in the old days, women didn’t have much choice in terms of the types of jobs they could do. They were not allowed to engage in the family business, not allowed to trade or be merchants, and certainly not allowed to become Imperial employees unless they were ’employed’ in the harem. Being a scholar, an artist, or a general was obviously also out. So pretty much in the old days, if you had to work as a woman, you were either a servant, a farmer or a harlot.

These days, obviously it is not the case. And so why should the conventional wisdom apply?

So as you can see, a good number of the reasons that Male BaZi consultants put forth when it comes to advocating marriage or the necessity of marriage stems from their on old-fashioned outrageously outdated thinking.

So the next time you see a male BaZi consultant and he gives you the whole ‘get married is better spiel’…


Stuff it ya old coot.


  1. Su

    Haha. Love it! 🙂

  2. FY

    Well said !

    but then, CPs are not always only men. We do it to ourselves, too.

  3. Terrence

    I don’t mean to be rude but you sounds like you’ve been pissed off by some of your bazi consultants who happen to be the ‘pigs’…correct me if I’m wrong! Somehow, I agree with u in a way that women these days deserve much better than this.

    • baziqueen

      Terrence – read between the lines

  4. kat

    Interesting. I’ve been learning about bazi for a little while, and asked a question on a forum asking some input on my four pillars as I’m so new.
    I was repeatedly told that I need to try harder in my romantic relationships and they will always be difficult for me because of the strength of my day master, etc. That men will find me hard to get a long with so I need to become even more complacent. This was said after my previous relationship was asked about and I indicated it turned extremely abusive- The guy literally left me out to die. This was also repeated by more the one (male) poster.
    To me, this is implying that if a woman is in a relationship and god forbid she has a strong day master she better suck it up and deal with crazy abusive boyfriend. And implying that abuse is always caused by something that the person that is being abused has does and therefore is warranted is pure ignorance to me.

  5. Lyn

    Can you elaborate more on this sentence? “Certain Day Masters for example, do experience significant quality of life improvement as a result of marriage. Ji Earth and Gui Water Female Day Masters in particular.”

    I happen to be Gui DM and dislike the above sentence.

    • baziqueen

      Lyn – well it’s a sentence so i don’t see anything to like or dislike about it. But feel free to disagree.

      Essentially, Ji and Gui being Yin DM combine with the Officer Star. The nature of these combinations (from a Five Element standpoint) in particular for Ji and Gui tends to indicate that

      a) for Gui, marriage is usually better than the relationship at the Boyfriend-Courtship stage, which can be tempestuous and difficult. This is because the 7k star and the DO star interact differently with the Gui DM

      b) for Ji Earth, this is because Earth likes to be held together by Wood, otherwise it is scattered. Hence, Ji Earth females experience a more organised and improved life (almost as if things stop being scatty and all over the place) upon marriage.

      BUT an important qualifier always is that marriage and quality of life with someone in a marriage is not purely determined by the DM Combination. The entire chart must always be taken into consideration.

      • ambrose

        Hi BaziQueen
        For a Geng DM, the bf being Bing, is it too strong for Geng? Geng will be melted over. But if they marry Ding, it might be just right?

        • admin

          I think you misunderstand the difference between Bing and Ding.

  6. Lyn

    Ah….now that you have explained it, I can see the reason behind the sentence. Thanks.

    Times and again I am frustrated by the Masters’ insistence to read the husband’s Bazi only to decide for the whole household even though the wife is the bread winner! Mind boggling to say the least.

  7. scheng1

    The older generation bazi masters are all one kind de. But most of them are so unclely that I can’ t bear to scold them. If those younger ones dare to say something like that, I jolly well slam the table and walk off.

  8. BingKama

    if you dont mind telling me what will a bing chen daymaster get if he had a 10 year luck of ren yin and of course the year is also xin mao? What does that means actually?

    • Baziqueen

      @ BingKama – your question can’t be answered because it is pointless for anyone to forecast based on a Day Pillar alone.

      • BingKama

        so you need the year (bingchen), month (wuxu) & hour (renchen) too?

        • Baziqueen

          @ BingKama – anyone who would like to attempt to offer an opinion would need that. FYI, I only answer technical questions on my site.

        • wkng83

          Bingkama, might as well include birth details and gender together with an angpow for B. Haha

          • BingKama


  9. Lari

    I went to one fengshui consultant at nex mall and he kept telling us to shut up.. Like, Shhhhhhh.. when he is talking. nevertheless, I didn’t gain much from the session as he revealed very little and shushed almost all my questions, stating he has notime!

  10. Thanh

    How much information will be missed in a Bazi reading without the birth hour? Can the birth hour be retrieved by a Bazi consultant based on the reading of just the year, month and day pillar?
    Thank you.

    • wkng83


      According to a HK master 白鹤鸣who wrote books on the subject, he said when one is uncertain about his or her birth hour, we look at the 头发旋 (Hair origin point at the back or top of the head). If it is on the left, it denotes a set of certain hours, if it is on the right, it denotes another set of hours. If there are 2 (which can happen), there is another intepretation.

    • Baziqueen

      @ Thanh – this is quite challenging – sometimes it is possible by talking to the person and trying to work out the information backwards – it is possible to guestimate but is not easy. Generally with 3 pillars you can get quite a lot of info about the person BUT there will be some questions which will be difficult to answer, especially if the 3 pillars show a missing element. The Hour Pillar then becomes integral.

  11. Tina

    so, let me see if I understood this…if you have even one Direct Officer star it means you will be happier after marriage?

    • Baziqueen

      @ Tina – no, that’s not what I said.


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