Who will be POTUS?

by Oct 22, 2008Bazi & Politics, Date Selection5 comments

Okay, this is really the sixty million dollar hanging chad question isn’t it?

Barack/Biden or McCain/Palin? Any BaZi consultant worth their salt should be able to answer this question right? So let me go right ahead and Cover My Metaphysical Ass and put a BIG Caveat to the answer to this question.

Elections are complicated matters. From a BaZi standpoint, it is clear why both of the candidates have emerged as the candidates. And furthermore, we are not talking about directly picking an Emperor like in the old days. Voters play a part now and this is an unpredictable factor. But yeah yeah, technically, if we’re as good as we say we are, then we should be able to make a decision based on BaZi right? (this is the person who picked Hilary to triumph over Obama tho’ so I guess all bets are off – and I also didn’t do too well with my BaZi picks when it came to the World Cup either! But I maintain, the ball is ROUND, and there are 11 men on the team so…)

Having said that, personally, I think America is not ready for a black president. But, let’s put this discussion on a race and skin-colour neutral perspective and keep it pure BaZi.

To save you having to wade through a long discourse on the subject of the charts, and the technicalities, let me just say that based on my analysis of the two candidates BaZi (and importantly, the BaZi of their VPs), and having taken into account the Month Pillars for October and November (it’s important to remember the electoral date is very close to the transit date over to the Pig month), my conclusion is America will vote….


Okay, come November 4th, I stand hopefully to be proven wrong (although I have a sneaky feeling that it somehow won’t be the case). Now, let’s look at the evidence that puts McCain in a stronger position to win, despite at the time of writing, polls indicating he is trailing Obama.

The Players

Here are the BaZis of the relevant teams: McCain-Palin, Obama-Biden. Time for McCain is as per what is circulating on the Internet. Obama’s time is accurate based on his birth certificate, also available on the Internet. Biden’s time is not the correct time, Palin’s time is a educated guesstimate.

John McCain

Sarah Palin (time not accurate)


Barack Obama

Joseph Biden

The Analysis

Okay, what are we looking for? Essentially, the ‘winner’ of the race comes down to whomever is in the favour of the Grand Duke of the Year or Tai Sui. The Tai Sui of the year is the Rat 子 so we are looking at specifically a Combination with the Tai Sui.

If you look at all four charts, all the four candidates have some kind of Combo with the Rat. In Obama and Biden’s case, the Ox 丑 in their charts combines with the Rat 子 to form one of the Six Combination (六 合). But look at McCain and Palin’s charts – McCain (even discounting the hour) has got the full Three Harmony Combination of 申 子 辰 . Palin has two out of three of the Three Harmony Combo in her chart (assuming the guesstimate hour is correct) and the missing Rat 子 comes from 2008’s Year Pillar.

And it is elementary, my dear Watson, that the Three Harmony Combination beats the crap out of the Six Combo anytime.

But of course, this is superficial analysis. So let’s look a little deeper.

Obama is a Ji Earth. McCain is a Gui Water. It is a Wu Zi 戊 子 year. The Direct Officer is on top with McCain, and he combines with it. The Direct Officer star is the star of power and authority. Furthermore, there is the matter of the Three Harmony Combination and in the Luck Pillars, McCain is going through a Dragon 辰 Luck Pillar, which is also his Direct Officer.

For Obama, the year is actually a Rob Wealth year – so he is popular. But, between being liked, and having power, I would say having power helps you in so far as the race for the White House goes. Yes yes, someone might point out that Obama is going through a Seven Killings Luck Pillar, but remember, he doesn’t have the added advantage of being One with the Grand Duke.

Date with Destiny

Here is the Election Day’s ‘BaZi’.

The month, Ren Xu, must be read in consideration of the fact that the transit date to November, which is Gui Hai, is only three days away, on the 7th of November. This means that the influence of Gui Hai is not to be discounted and could tip the balance.

The date itself favours McCain, who is a Gui Water. He combines with the day, and the Branch is a Resource Star for him, indicating that he has many people on his side who are pro-active in helping him achieve his goals. It is also a full season of Metal, which is the Resource Star for McCain. The Resource Star indicates that you have helpful people, or individuals working or toiling on your behalf to help you deal with the problem of Seven Killings aka your enemies and petty people. Furthermore the month itself has Earth as the main Qi. Now strictly speaking, Ren Water is strong in the month of October – but this is also to McCain’s advantage. It indicates popularity, fans, and people who like him, supporters and the sort.

By contrast, the month is turning out to be exactly how it should be for Obama. Recently it was announced that he had the best funded Democratic Presidential campaign in the history of the US Presidential elections, having raised USD150 million in the final days of the campaign. Well it is a Wealth month for Obama, since he is Ji Earth. And although there is the viewpoint that money is the key to the path to the White House, obviously those of us who know a thing or two about BaZi, may, ahem, not agree.

Election Day also does not terribly favour Obama, with his Rob Wealth, Wu Earth, prominently showing on the day of the election, and of course, the month itself is a Rob Wealth month for Obama. So, the poll numbers and campaign fund numbers are tallying up, in so far as the effect of Ren Xu on Obama’s chart goes. But will it bring him to the White House.

It doesn’t look like it.

As we move closer to election date, the influence of the Xu will increase. And we will see McCain start to gradually take a more and more ‘Commander in Chief’ type style and approach, and possibly soften some of his stands to appear more populist (that is his Ren talking). Obama is going to be busy talking about the money issues (read: the economy) because he has Wealth on the brain. But ultimately, the leadership issue is what is going to seal it for McCain i think.


  1. Barack O

    Nooooo…..not the old goat who doesn’t know what e-mail is…

  2. KH Chan

    Hahaha.. I like your post and they way you present it. Well i sure hope obama will win.

    Hopefully his ancestor’s grave’s Feng Shui in Africa is much much better than Mccain.
    That is why i hope for.

    If not America will be DOOOOM!! with this McCain and Palin combo

  3. carson

    Your analysis is good. However I guess there is a misinterpretation.

    In the Presidential race, and in today’s world, clearly Popularity is important.

    Obama has won as I write this.

    What’s your comment?

  4. baziqueen

    153 million Americans decide, and that’s the 33% that’s Man Luck that factors in I guess.

    I am quite surprised by the results as well (pleasantly surprised). As to whether or not it’s a misinterpretation, who knows. Perhaps what it comes down to is that McCain is in good luck, because he’s avoided becoming President in one of the worst times to become US President. Sometimes good luck can manifest this way.

    But yes, wrong on the count. Guess I won’t be making my millions predicting US presidential elections anytime soon!

  5. leonard

    I like the way you sound!! It reminds me of many destiny analysis master!! Can twist your answer around, never admiting defeat and analyse that your skills is not up to par.
    Since you are so desperate then Congratulations you won and have the last word.


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