When Peach Blossom SUCKS

by Aug 31, 2008BaZi Analysis, Peach Blossom Star, Relationships40 comments

Edit: Due to the preponderance of comments and questions on this apparently popular topic, I would ask readers please also read this post ‘The Dirty on Peach Blossom‘ – it should answer all the typical questions posted.

I came across this chart on the fivearts BaZi forum discussing Peach Blossom Stars. Clearly, this is a subject that endlessly fascinates people. But I suppose it’s understandable – who doesn’t want to be liked, loved or the object of affection right? But if you ask me, people put far too much credence on Peach Blossom. (and it is not a case of sour peaches on my part – just because I have none – I appreciate it’s value, but I still think it’s more trouble than it’s worth)

And this example is a great way to show people why.

Now when it comes to Peach Blossom, the rule is this: one is okay, two is a lil’ much, three is too many and four is just plain trouble with a capital T.

The chart below, notice all four of the pillars are Peach Blossom Stars. So by my BaZi nursery rhyme above, trouble clearly. But what kind of trouble?

Because the Peach Blossom Stars invariably involve either a Clash, Uncivilised Punishment or a Destruction or a Clash, having more than one is a bad idea because it simply statistically increases the likelihood of one of these problems within the chart. Clash, Destruction and Punishment are all Branch relationships which naturally, we do not like. If you have one Peach Blossom, then of course, every 4 Luck Pillars you will have an issue, but as it is a Luck Pillar problem, it has a less inflammatory outcome. Think of it as the difference between having an in-built problem that is exacerbated every four years, and four months (when the Peach Blossom years and months roll around), and having an occasional problem every four years and four months. It’s like a roof that always leaks, which falls in during a storm, vs the occasional leak during a heavy storm.

This is in addition to creating obvious emotional instability within the person and romantic headaches of the super-migraine kind for the people who they are involved with. Since the person with a preponderance of Peach Blossom obviously will have romance and relationship ISSUES, but so will those whom they become involved with by necessity will also be implicated or involved in these issues.

Other unpleasant problems that arise from Peach Blossoms can include sex-related problems, such as STDs, or pregnancy out of wedlock (this is both a MALE and FEMALE problem ya!) or if you are on the less severe end of the scale, attention from men/women you don’t like or worse, despise, and of coures, the usual stalker issues. Obviously, many Hollywood stars have stalkers – their very job requires Peach Blossom and most of them will have more than one. Tada – stalker problem.

This lady’s chart has the following problems:

The obvious prominent concern is the distant, but present clash between Mao and You (Rabbit and Rooster). This is a clash that is associated with betrayal (notably, involving the Spouse Pillar) but also problems with childbirth. The Spouse Palace itself has a Punishment vis-a-vis Mao and Zi and this also involves the Spouse Pillar. Double trouble. There is also another Punishment between Zi and You, which involves the Spouse Palace, and suggests problems caused by alcohol, or alcohol-fueled sexual or romantic relationship problems. All in all, it is not a good harbinger for her personal relationships.

It doesn’t help that there is also a Destruction going on between her current Luck Pillar and two of her luck Pillars and a Clash. In particular, this is an unpleasant clash – Horse and Rat indicates a state of mental dissatisfaction, a state of being unsettled, and a general unstable or emotional state of mind.

To top it all off, we have a missing element in this chart, which is the element of Fire.

Where to start on the relationship issues? Indeed, this is a challenging chart to manage as a client because every four years (four months, four days) they have some kind of personal crisis. And it is likely that this emotional crisis relates to everything in the person’s life that touches relationships.

Family relationship is obviously poor, the Sibling Star, the Mother Star and the Father Star are all negatively affected in this chart. In addition the person is emotionally unbalanced, and easily upset, with the feeling that there is no family to fall back on.

Romantic relationships are technically doomed, unless the person is able to find a very tolerant and sincere person to marry. Unfortunately, both her Officer Stars do not suggest a favourable marriage opportunity, since they involved individuals who are either very opinionated and strong-willed, or worse, a playboy/player type.

A serious minus point is the Missing Element. The element of Fire governs passion in a person’s life. So this person, aside from having serious emotional issues has no passion in her life. She is unenthusiastic about MOST THINGS in her life.

A person with no Fire in their life is the kind of person who has a favourite football team, but seeing them watch a football match, you wouldn’t imagine they cared. They are people who appear ambivalent, benign, and sometimes quite boring really. Passion is something which people automatically gravitate towards and hence, people with no passion in their life, come across as either cold fish, automatons or just uninteresting or attract like-minded types. Fire has transformational power – it is what can influence change, within a person, and in other people. So people with no fire are unable to change themselves, or influence change in others. Now, why would anyone want to hang out with people who have no interest in improving themselves, or who do not seem to stand or feel strongly about anything? Might as well have a conversation with your pet cat.

Most significantly, Fire means happiness in life. And without fire, there is no happiness in the person’s life.

Although the chart is currently going through Fire luck, this Fire Luck is not favourable to her chart because of the interactions with her BaZi’s pillars (see what I mean about how having too much Peach Blossom is negative?). So it is possible that this person will find herself in emotional or relationship woes, because in her false belief that the relationships is the key to her happiness, she embarks on them. Only to be disappointed in the end.

Compounding this problem is this person believes that money is the answer to all her woes in life. She believes money can buy happiness (and it wouldn’t be wrong in her case). And so a man or relationship, with money as the glue that holds it together, is what she will see as the answer to her problems. Whilst definitely her opportunity to find a rich husband is there, she will not find lasting happiness in such a relationship, obviously because the Officer Stars in this chart, do not have a positive relationship with her Spouse Palace.

So the moral of the story: one is okay, two is a lil’ much, three is too many and four is just plain trouble with a capital T.

Related Posts: You Give Peach Blossom a Bad Name, Peach Blossom Stars – Necessary or Over-Rated

Postscript: An number of posts on the fivearts.net forum where this chart appeared has suggested that this woman would be a ‘slut’, or ‘hooker’ and some very unnecessarily disparaging remarks. There is a  possibility that this person may consider a career as a social escort but because there are no Seven Killings stars in this chart, only Direct Officer, this is not very likely. Even if she did to it, she would not be doing this for the sex or any other sexually perverted reason, but for the MONEY. It is also wrong to label all women with Peach Blossom as loose or immoral or sexually promiscuous without looking at the chart itself and the exact interactions between the Branches. In France, having four Peach Blossom stars is something perfectly acceptable because in their society, they do not believe in living in le nunnery.


  1. Bbb

    The womens two officer stars unfavorable to her, how? and describing them to be player/playboy types, how? Thanks.

  2. Renee

    Hi…the person that also commented on this page April of 2009 voiced the same question I was going to ask. How are the two officer stars unfavorable to her and how did you determine they might be playboy types (the men possibilities)? And I have a peach blossom star myself and agree…gee…not all of us are sluts. I can’t believe people make such sweeping statements sometimes. Thanks for reading/answering this!

    • baziqueen

      Officer is unfavourable because both Ji Earth sit on Peach Blossom Star. [work out the rest from that hint]
      Playboy types – again, Ji Earth sitting on Peach Blossom makes that really obvious.

      • ialisne

        You say the day master is sandwiched between the two direct officer stars both sitting on PB. So is it the sandwich effect in this chart that makes them playboy,player boy types? How did you measure the “strongly opinionated or strong willed”? Is that the nature of DO or husband? strong willed meaning the sandwich? Or just because the DO stars sit on PB?
        im just wondering if your DO sitting on. Peach blossom is next to the day master, is the effect of them being player boy the same? By hour pillar that is. Also. What does it mean if it’s harm between spouse and hour pillar Wei and Zi? No sandwich.

      • Chris

        What if the person with this chart is a male?

  3. Renee

    Ohhhhhhhh…so it’s the symbolism? Dirty (earth) peach blossom? I am a beginner at

    • baziqueen

      @ Renee – no, nothing to do with Symbolism but how one reads each pillar. Sounds like it might be too advanced a concept for you if you’re a beginner.

  4. NBA

    , bazi queen, so peach blossom In a chart has nothing to do with MY attraction factor, but has to do with my Boyfriend/DO Sitting on Peach blossom? Wouldn’t it make the woman with the peach blossom stars in her chart, the player?
    Scary if it’s the other way around. I have ren zi in my hour pillar and ren is my DO.. So it’s applicapble to me isn’t it? My partners are player types?

    • baziqueen

      PB is an attraction star so of course it also relates to the individual’s attraction factor. But can also be used to read other things.

      • K8

        What if ji earth sits on you in a man’s chart in the month pillar and the spouse element dw is there also? The you is also his personal peach blossom star. Is he a player or will he attract player girlfriends?his dm is yang fire on zi.

        • admin

          Depends on the rest of the chart.

  5. ali

    You say, that her possibility of finding a very rich husband is likely? Where do we see that? I don’t see any Wealth stars in her chart?
    Again, you mention if she were to become a social escort, she would be doing it for the money. How do we see this without any fire in her chart?
    I don’t understand how it indicates the type of husband/boyfriend she has ( playboy, players) because it sits on Peach Blossom star?

    • Baziqueen

      You say, that her possibility of finding a very rich husband is likely? Where do we see that? I don’t see any Wealth stars in her chart?

      BQ – shifting palace technique will explain it all. And just because her husband is rich, does not mean she will be rich.

      Again, you mention if she were to become a social escort, she would be doing it for the money. How do we see this without any fire in her chart?

      BQ -Doesn’t she need the Wealth Star?

      I don’t understand how it indicates the type of husband/boyfriend she has ( playboy, players) because it sits on Peach Blossom star?

      BQ – again, also derived from Shifting Palace + 10 Gods.

  6. ab

    BQ – shifting palace technique will explain it all. And just because her husband is rich, does not mean she will be rich.

    -ah, Gotcha.

    BQ -Doesn’t she need the Wealth Star?

    -You do explain that in the post.

    BQ – again, also derived from Shifting Palace + 10 Gods.

    -Oh, I’ve heard of that as well! I didn’t know it could be used with peach blossom stars.

    “since they involved individuals who are either very opinionated and strong-willed”

    Are you explaining Ji earth characteristics here? or is this sandwiched combo?

    What if the DO star, which is also a PB star, combines w/ the DM, yet, has a harm between them… wouldn’t the peach blossom thing work out for the best for both parties if a combination is favorable? or does it straight out point to the player types?
    Are you saying all PB stars that are DO’s +boyfriends, mean there wife or husband is player types? (10 gods) if DO element represents my sisters husband in the relationship family, does that mean, my sisters husband is also the playerboy types?

  7. Kitsune

    I have a question about: what if in the same hour pillar Yin Metall sits on the Rooster? and rooster is not a personal blossom star?? what does this imply?

    • Baziqueen

      @ Kitsune – what is the question?

  8. Kitsune

    my question is: what does a Rooster implies in my chart? 10 gods relationship is crucial, so yin metal is indirect resource for me. and also the why i ask – I cannot find myself in a lasting relationship..is there a problem that lies in the chart or it’s just the luck pillar that i am in…

    my bazi chart looks like this:
    Yin Metal Yin Water Yin Wood Yang Fire

    Rooster Sheep Sheep Tiger
    Yin Metal Yin Soil Yin Soil Yang Wood

    Thank you, I really looking forward your advice,
    as I am really going to follow it, I believe in Bazi and more of that i believe in your advice…

    • Baziqueen

      @ Kitsune – The Rooster contains Xin Metal, which according to you contains your Indirect Resource Star. That’s it. It does not imply anything. Xin is your Indirect Resource. And Gui is your Day Master (I’m assuming you got that right). Regarding your other question, you are attracted to those people precisely because they have a Peach Blossom Star. There are only 4 Peach Blossom Stars so the odds that it will be Rooster is not that much of a stretch.

  9. Kitsoune

    So if let’s say I have someone’s peach blossom star in my chart. Will they be attracted to me? and vice versa – if they have my peach blossom star in their charts?
    I found myself attracted to people who had my peach blossom star in their chart (be especially in month and year pillars)

  10. Kitsoune

    Thanks, Baziqueen! That made sense
    but does this Rooster means anything to me at all? Like you said, it’s not my personal peach blossom star, but it’s still a PBS anyway?…

    • Baziqueen

      Not personal does not mean it stops being a Peach Blossom Star.

  11. Kitsoune

    and concerning the 2nd question, I didn’t explain it well.
    For example for me (Sheep DM) – Rat is a peach blossom star.
    should I be attracted then to persons who have Rat in their charts (no matter where: hour, month, day, year)?
    and as I have a Rooster in my chart (peach blossom star for Rat) – will those people with Rat be attracted to me??

    • Baziqueen

      @ Kitsoune – firstly, I think you need to get your terminology right. Your Day Master is not Sheep. There is no such thing as a Sheep DM. Your Day Master (from your last comment) Is GUI WATER 癸. To answer your question, it depends on whether or not Gui Water (which is what is inside Rat 子) is an element you need. If it is not, then no, it doesn’t matter if they have 4 Rats in their chart. If you are attracted to them, IT IS BECAUSE THEY HAVE PEACH BLOSSOM STARS.

      For reference please look at the following articles: Peach Blossom Stars – necessary? Over-rated? Or a nice to have? , You give Peach Blossom A Bad Name , and this primer on Peach Blossom

  12. el

    I have four peach blossoms in my birth chart as well! It’s zi you wu wu respectively. Can I ask how does it affect me in general?

    • Baziqueen

      @ El – you do know ‘in general’ essentially means – no real answer.

  13. Kitsoune

    Baziqueen, I got it finally! So the elements of PBS ARE Crucial indeed! Everything is so complicated…sometimes i think Bazi is like a question for caterpillar with 40 legs: “How do you walk?” and then caterpillar is stuck in the middle of action and lost…
    Not thinking about Bazi yourself and going to a professional is the best option i guess…
    but again finding a right professional (with philosophical mindset and strong analytical abilities) can be hard…I’m glad that I found your blog…its detached yet very accurate spirit relaxes me a lot after a hard day of struggling with bazi all by myself…So thanks for your thoughts out there…

    • Baziqueen

      To avoid doubt, I am not saying that Peach Blossom Star is crucial (as appears to be suggested by Kitsoune’s comment). But the point is that the Peach Blossom Star may contain elements which are favourable/useful to the DM. Not mutually exclusive as it were.

  14. marlyn

    baziqueen, can you please read my and husband’s charts.
    husband’s dob: 30/12/1958 07:55 hrs (+8 Gmt)
    my dob : 13/1/1958 22:05 hrs (+8 GMt)
    i was told my chart shows a 3rd party problem. my husband’s chart show 2 PB stars. currently having marital issues and i’m trying to repair relationship but my husband is not interested to put in the effort. does my husband’s chart show a secondary spouse star indicating a mistress/girlfriend?


  15. marlyn

    sorry my husband’s corrrect dob is 30/12/1954 07:55 hrs


  16. Wen

    Wow!!! You have 25 responds to this article!!! Okie, I have a question, if the DM is siting on a peach bloosom star, does it mean he/she is playboy/playgirl type? Hehe, I am a Gui DM siting on Mao rabbit. In love, I am the absolutely very loyal type!! 😛

  17. Har

    I just came across this article and I have a bearly similar chart like the one you posted.

    Yin Earth Yang Water Yin Earth Yang water
    You Zi You XU

    Do you think I will share the same fate as the lady above in terms of relationship?
    I can accept any negative comments,it’s ok.

  18. Kriztel

    Dear Baziqueen,
    I know I have a bad clash in my bazi, pls help, any remedy.
    Hour jia horse, day bing rat, month guy pig, year GUI ox

    And my spouse

    Hour jia horse, day bing horse, month Ji wood rabbit, year GUI ox.

    Does it mean I shall give up relationship all my life as I have self- clash? Is there any brighter side I can concentrate like career, family , etc?

  19. Lynn


    I am intrigued by the article. I have done some analysis on my own bazi, and I noted that I seem to have quite a lot of PB in my Bazi.

    Hour Day Month Year
    Yang Metal Yang Earth Yang Metal Yin Metal

    Yang Metal Yang Water Yang Water Yin Metal
    Monkey Rat Rat Rooster

    As you can see, I think i probably have the internal and external peach blossoms, personal peach blossom, love luck and 2 red peach blossoms (i read this in another website), but no marriage luck, if my analysis is correct.

    Does this mean that I don’t have any marriage luck at all?
    Currently, my 10 year pillar is undergoing the yang earth (dragon) period.

    I noticed that I tend to have very good communication skills with others, as in able to get information and documents from clients (in terms of work), and my career is usually quite good.

    But when it comes to the love department, I am very careful and seldom date as I don’t want to give wrong impression to guys as I am fairly pleasant looking (i think. Also, I am keen in sports which may intimidate some guys.

    Also, I am kind of interested in one guy and his bazi pillar is as below:

    Hour Day Month Year
    N/A* Yin Fire Yang Water Yang Fire

    N/A* Yin Earth Yang Earth Yang Earth
    Sheep Dragon Dragon

    *Was unable to know the Hour pillar.

    However, I am not sure if we can get along together as I don’t seem to have the marriage luck.

    • admin

      I do not comment on charts in my blog – only technical questions are answered.

  20. Fishf

    In reply to kitsuone… If GUI is an element one needs.. And therefore there’s branches of eat in that persons chart…. But what if the season of earth is where that person is born.. Does the element found in the branches of rat still useful to the other person, regardless of their season where the Element you find useful is considered weak (in this case summer earth, water is rendered weak)…. ?

  21. Fishf

    Not eat, I mean GUI, * typo

  22. Fishf

    Also, which is better, if you find that one has a whole pillar consisting of the gods you find favorable, vs. just one key element in a branch such as zi. Ie: bing zi, if your favorable god is bing and GUI.. Vs… Second suitor with Ren zi and jia zi. Would you lean towards the one with just a pillar consisting of the fav/useful god bing zi. Or the one with the two zi? Is it the one who has the two gui better suited than the one who has a full pillar of the gods you find fav/useful.

  23. Watson

    What does it indicate if in natal chart has zi in EB that is currently undergoing Lp you [with no you in natal chart]?

    Is this condition favourable to the DM?

    • admin

      Depends on the DM. It is impossible to provide any accurate statement without knowing the DM, and the positioning of the Branch etc. But, Rat and Rooster is an uncivilised punishment and so the outcome is UNLIKELY to be good (without however having seen the rest of the chart, can’t say more than that).

    • admin

      Too many variables. Depends on the DM. And really, depends on the question. Asking if something is favourable or not doesn’t really give people any answers.



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