Dude, Where's my Missing Element?

by Aug 12, 2008Bazi Basics6 comments

The ‘Missing Element’ question is a common question posed to BaZi consultants frequently.

Unless I actually have the person’s BaZi chart before me, I am usually skeptical as to the evaluation of a missing element.

So my reply usually is “how do you know it’s missing?”

Of course, the person asking will think I am being difficult. But really, in some 70 percent of the cases, the element is not missing. It is simply that the person looking at the chart does not know it is there.

This is usually when someone has read the odd Chinese book on the subject of BaZi, but despite their copious research, has not actually discovered this thing called Hidden Stems.

Hidden Stems, as the name implies, are Stems that are not visible although on the Joey Yap BaZi MIng Pan, they are not hidden. They are visible, within the Branches.

Here’s how you can be ABSOLUTELY sure you have a missing element (which let’s face it, is not something you want).

Plot the BaZi chart using the Joey Yap BaZi Ming Pan calculator. Then, look at the left side of the chart. You will see a box like this:

If it says ‘0’ (zero) in this box, under any one of the Five Elements. Then you indeed have a Missing Element problem.

Then of course the question becomes, what does it mean yadayada. Which then requires an examination of what is the element that is missing (see search box above) and what that element means to that Day Master.

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  1. peius

    Hi. DM Ji and have water as missing element. I was told to increase metal so that in calendar periods receive my missing element. Also was I suggested to face west directions corresponding to metal but the questin is my kua number is 4. what should I do ?
    Thanks for you reply.

  2. baziqueen

    A few things: are you sure Water is absolutely missing? see my post above.

    Secondly, if it is missing, then there’s nothing you can do to replace the element. Missing means Missing. There are no two ways around it.

    Most important thing is to appreciate what the element of Water means to you as a Ji Earth person. Water is your wealth, and so the absence of Water means that you do not have a strong affinity with Wealth.

    BUT, again, this depends on the nature of your chart as there would be qualifiers to this conclusion (professionally speaking, it is unwise for ANY BaZi consultant to offer advice without the benefit of examining the chart in it’s entirety).

    But to answer your questions about facing the West directions etc, this is muddling Feng Shui with BaZi. Bazi is BaZi, Feng Shui is Feng Shui. They are inter-related but they cannot be ‘cross pollinated’ this way.

  3. siewkum

    What if your regulating useful God is your missing element? JY’s consultant says still can use although missing. What’s your opinion on this?

    • Baziqueen

      It’s like a prosthetic – you can still use, just not as well as a person who has it inherently in their chart.

  4. sandy

    Hello. I appreciate your posts, I think I’ve learned a lot just from bloggers of bazi, since I haven’t actually been able to get my hands on any real bazi books..they seem to be impossible to find around here, unless I order them online(which is expensive).

    Anyway, I wanted to ask about the missing element thing, as well. From what I’ve read so far, it depends on how favorable that element is to your Day Master, and since I’m a pretty strong DM(Xin Wei Day Pillar born in Fire Rabbit month).
    And yes, I have absolutely NO Water in my chart, which would be my output. I also have heavy doses of Earth and Fire, I have 3 7Killings, 2 of which are on top of my month and hour pillars, and one Direct Officer star, hidden in the Year Pillar(1989). So quite a lot of Fire.
    Something I always found funny is that they say lots of Fire makes a person passionate and enthusiastic, but I faced nearly a decade of depression. I have been told that 7K is a favorable element to me, and the happiest time of my life, so far, has been until age 8, which was my Fire Rabbit luck pillar(which only contains yin fire and yin wood). The next one, the Dragon luck pillar, which contains water, nearly killed me. I faced a lot of oppression from both school and family, I had nearly no friends etc..as a consequewnce, I didn’t do as well as I could have(despite being really intelligent) and a lot of it was just feeling discouraged from people around me.
    My life started to get a bit better each year since I reached the Earth Snake luck pillar, at age 18, but I’m still feeling stuck and inhibited.Snake contains Fire, though, so I’m thinking that may have something to do with up-lifting after being almost suicidally depressed through my high school years.
    One thing I also heard is that Xin DM hates Earth, and I have lots of it. Mostly Yin Earth. They say “earth covers up the shine of metal”. I found that very ironic, since I’ve been beautiful but overweight for pretty much my entire life. My whole life I heard people say things like “why don’t you lose weight? you have a gorgeous face.” I managed to lose a lot of weight in high school, in 2003 and 2004, which, ironically contain Water(water “washes the metal, making it shine”) but I did not manage to keep it off, because of emotional issues. Plus, I generally find it very difficult to lose weight, physically(since I also have a genetic predisposition to eat a lot).
    One bazi teacher told me no Water, in a woman’s chart(I’m a woman, by the way) also means childbirth problems, although the funny thing is, I never wanted children, to begin with. He also said it rules sex, and I’m still a virgin, and generally have little interest in “physical love”.
    However, the thing that really bothered me was reading no Output means lack of success in career. I hate that. I’ve always wanted a strong career. But I’m having difficulty settling to any one thing. I guess I’m still searching for a line of work that makes me happy. Right now, I’m studying engineering, and I’m finding it pretty hard, but I still get good grades.
    I noticed Yang Water years are cool, I generally have more confidence in them, and get the courage to try new things. Last years was great, I took and admission exam into college, got my first job etc. This year..lazy. Yin Water makes me lazy.
    Anyway, my main question is what do you think lack of Water means for career? I won’t get going through a Yang water LP until I’m 47, with the Water Monkey. I hope I don’t have to wait that long to be happy.
    Also, another question is(if you don’t mind) can this have something to do with learning problems? Memorizing problems? I’ve always been naturally intelligent but have trouble learning, remembering etc.

    • admin

      Regrettably I only answer technical questions in my blog and it is too wide open to answer here. I do not provide professional advice via my blog.


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